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Everything posted by Julianb

  1. Not going to repeat myself, so see the thread under Catacombs story I posted a couple of weeks ago. As an aside, I've just found a picture of Simon with Van McCoy and al letter of 'introduction' to Fred Kaplan in Brooklyn ( where Simon got the first lot of stuff from on his first trip to the States) the address is 4 Fox Hill Court Weetwood Lane Leeds 16 ( pre postal code era) which ties in with the Chris Tipping address. Julian
  2. Thought I might have got a few more replies to this. Come on guys, you can remember Graham Warr's discoveries but cannot remember what actually, historically and factually happened the night Simon Sousaan went to the Cats? Let's have some input please Julian
  3. OK - following on from the Graham Warr thread where I notice my old pal Simon Soussan gets a mention. Picture the scene - I'm the first to see Simon when he arrives back from his trip to New York. Lots of in-demand and unknown 45s, so I get a good few off him for past favours i.e phoning him in the States to tell him what's being played/ been discovered that week etc. We meet in Chris Tippings apartment in Foxhill Court, Weetwood Lane Leeds (for those of you who know the area) No sales list has been produced at the time, so his sponsor for the trip ( Chris Tipping - his dad owned Tipco Tools in Leeds and he had a Ferrari Dino reg LOV 750 - just a bit of useless information, strange how things stick in your memory) decided it would be nice to get some cash back asap and see what the NS scene was all about. So, we set off Saturday night to the Cats. Good to see Graham, Pep, Max, Alan S etc on the night BUT things start to get a bit ugly ( don't think Simon had started to rip people off by then, I just think the locals decided it would be a good idea to 'roll' Simon for his sales box). Anyway I realised that it was time to beat a hasty retreat and dragged Simon out of there pretty damn quick!! Simon had brought a 'minder' with him - a big soft jewish lad who was neither use nor ornament who nearly sh-t himself and Chris Tipping was useless as well.See to remember running away from a bunch of these guys to our cars. We then went to the Torch and the rest is history as they say!!! Julian (reminiscing)
  4. Sure would Ian, and how is your good self today? Julian
  5. Not quite sure if you're saying he discovered all those records on the list, because he most certainly didn't. Sam & Kitty springs to mind - when he returned from the states he had this at £6 on his list ( it was already being played at the Mecca and fetching £20) - trouble is, he'd bloody sold it when I got in touch with him!!! Seem to remember he was a top bloke though. Julian
  6. Contacted the seller for a scan/details of deadwax etc when it was listed. Surprise, surprise NO answer received!! Con man springs to mind
  7. Ronnie McNeir around £800 ( JM has it at £1200) would prefer JM's valuation as I've a minter! Julian
  8. Jimmy Thomas - Beautiful Night 5p second hand shop in Leeds. Sold to Keith Minshull that weekend at the Torch for £39 ( I was earning £17 pw at the time!) Julian
  9. Try Jumbo Records in the St John Centre ( near the Merrion Centre). Sat hello to the owner Hunter Smith for me ( not seen him for many years). Used to meet up with Simon Soussan and Tony Banks (RIP) there in the early 70s to buy/see/trade 45s. Happy days. Julian
  10. Think you could be wrong on this. I think that Ian Levine first discovered this on one of his family trips to the USA. I got his other copy the week he returned. He let a few of us give him £25 each to help fund his buys and in return we got 25 singles each( unbelievable really, when you think about it!). I used to visit his family home in Blackpool on a regular basis to play records in that famous converted downstairs toilet 'record room'. Anyway, I was the first to visit him on that year after his trip and got the 'cream' of the pick ( although to be fair,he had eamarked some good stuff to each of us who had helped finance him). He had Susan Barrett in the pile for Brad from Nelson, but I managed to get it into my pile . Never told Brad about it though Completely off at a tangent, the Levine's had a microwave oven in 1972 ( years before they came out over here). Les Cokell and others would all make coffee in it. At the filming of SWONS I asked Mrs Levine about this and she told me she bought 2 in America, had them converted to 240 volts and used one at home and the other in their Club, the Lemon Tree.
  11. Julianb


    Tried to bid on one of your sales, but found you'd blocked my bid! Is it because I had to return a 45 to you last year that would NOT play on my deck and you didn't want to refund? I THOUGHT THIS HAD BEEN RESOLVED AMICABLY AT THE TIME, SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?
  12. Looks like there's a guy in the States who has found a box of demos! - Seen them listed regularly over the last 12 months. Julian
  13. Thanks for the information Brian. FAO Tony Rounce - I know I'm getting on a bit, but my memory has NOT completely gone!
  14. He's just bought a Dusty Wilson on buy it now for £850 - that's if he pays for it of course! Julian
  15. Still got my leather Levi jacket ( jean jacket style) purchased Summer '67 cost 16 guineas. Can't get into it now, But a bit of a collectors item I believe. Levi 'Staprest' and Ben Shermans were the order of the day back then.
  16. Hi Tony was probably there that night myself ( as I still have you in my address book as living in Grove Park Road Wanstead at the time!!!) Agree about Wendy and Vibrations not being played, but I was pretty certain about MGW. Come on you old Wheelers get stuck in on this one ( I would ask the Mrs, but she never agrees with me, so it would be 2-1 to you !!)
  17. Think you're wrong that it wasn't played Tony - now,where's Brian Phillips (ex Wheel DJ)when you need him? He's on here somewhere and he'll be able to give the correct answer one way or t'other. Also, it wasn't Northern in those days, just soul! Julian
  18. Been having a Twisted Wheel moment and playing Mighty Good Way. Got me thinking wasRobert related to any of the other Banks' singers - Darrell, Larry, Homer, Bessie, Doug etc etc? Also, is there a dark blue Verve copy? TIA Julian
  19. Thanks for the info - it's just that the 'A' looked like letraset
  20. Saw a UK red Atlantic copy last night - it had a small capital 'A' between 4 and 5 o'clock. The seller said it was a demo. Can anyone confirm this ( as I've never seen one before). Julian
  21. Filled it in Jayne. Julian
  22. Strangely enough we have just been discussing this club on KTF. I first went at the ripe old age of 13 and saw most of the acts you mention.One you did miss was Victor Broxx and his blues band - he always played a tribute to Junior walker during his act and this generally brought the house down. It was a great sweaty night and it was there that I first heard Shirley Ellis' Soul Time. Still sends a shiver down my spine when I hear it now! Sometimes managed to get a drink in the Upper George pub as well!! Another great soul night was the Victory Lounge pub just of St George Square on a Sunday run by Graham Slater and Gary Chatburn Happy days Julian

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