OK - following on from the Graham Warr thread where I notice my old pal Simon Soussan gets a mention.
Picture the scene - I'm the first to see Simon when he arrives back from his trip to New York. Lots of in-demand and unknown 45s, so I get a good few off him for past favours i.e phoning him in the States to tell him what's being played/ been discovered that week etc. We meet in Chris Tippings apartment in Foxhill Court, Weetwood Lane Leeds (for those of you who know the area)
No sales list has been produced at the time, so his sponsor for the trip ( Chris Tipping - his dad owned Tipco Tools in Leeds and he had a Ferrari Dino reg LOV 750 - just a bit of useless information, strange how things stick in your memory) decided it would be nice to get some cash back asap and see what the NS scene was all about.
So, we set off Saturday night to the Cats. Good to see Graham, Pep, Max, Alan S etc on the night BUT things start to get a bit ugly ( don't think Simon had started to rip people off by then, I just think the locals decided it would be a good idea to 'roll' Simon for his sales box). Anyway I realised that it was time to beat a hasty retreat and dragged Simon out of there pretty damn quick!! Simon had brought a 'minder' with him - a big soft jewish lad who was neither use nor ornament who nearly sh-t himself and Chris Tipping was useless as well.See to remember running away from a bunch of these guys to our cars.
We then went to the Torch and the rest is history as they say!!!