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Everything posted by Julianb

  1. Yeh, I remember those lists you used to send out Mr Phillips - a fiver tops, bloody daylight robbery at the time Julian
  2. 'Retired' before the £50 45 was around!! Best I did was £42 for the Dalton Boys to Keith Minshull + £39 for Jimmy Thomas Beautiful Night to the same buyer. Julian
  3. Following on from the thread in sales;- Are we definetly saying that this was booted in the issue form? I have creamy colour (flesh) label with red lettering - the deawax on the Where were you side has MS 3051 and a RP linked together with the other side MS3052 (but much smaller lettering than the other deadwax) and the RP (again much smaller than t'other side. Can't feel owt under the label. Boot or not? Thanks Julian
  4. Come on guys and girls - someone must have a copy for me! Julian
  5. Stairways - Don't you care -Richie 66 Please pm me with price, condition etc, if you have one for sale. Thanks JB
  6. Picked up a copy of the above. It has all the correct deadwax numbers for the UK United Artists release No 1151, but not sure if someone's simply stuck an EMI white label on it! (Doesn't have a label underneath the white one). Has anyone got a similar copy or can someone put up an EMIDISC label for me to check. Sorry can't get the scan to upload onto this posting. TIA Julian
  7. There is a thread for this on 'The sharp end of vinyl' - I have a yellow issue and white demo both of which have 'scratched' in numbers BUT both have the AT scratched in. There is a scan showing what is supposed to be the 'correct number 4' for the original. Interesting point here, the 4's are slightly different on both sides the record with the 4 on the 'I've got something good' side being more upright than the 4 on the 'Love is the greatest' side. Strange world of northern soul or what? Julian
  8. Turn 'em over and listen to the B sides!!
  9. Just one left at £30 inc registered p&p. Seemingly this got 'hammered' at SITS last week, so it should be getting requested from you DJs out there. Cheque/PO/cash. Drop me a pm. Thanks Julian
  10. Love it or hate it, I have a couple of new copies spare. If you're interested, drop me an offer via a pm before Friday night please ( as they'll be in the sales box at Barnoldswick otherwise). Cheque/PO/cash NO paypal - sorry. Cheers Julian
  11. Mrs B still has one of hers, but I can't find mine! Probably in the same place as those bloody 444 labels I mentioned in another thread on here. Julian
  12. Was the original 45 demo manufactured at the Atlantic Pressing Plant? Cheers Julian
  13. Are the sellers the same people who when posting in 'Wants' always state 'sensible prices please' or cheap etc
  14. Just found this in my 'rubbish' box Julian
  15. Hi Eddie keep posting on here, I have a postcard from DG stating ' Will see you at the GoGo this saturday (12th) for sure! Right on now, Dave (this is postmarked 9th Dec 1970 Dartford Kent). The rest is history as they say. Now, where did I put those 444 labels of 'Blackmother Goose I got from John Bollen? ( see rarest UK 45 theme) Julian
  16. You were too young to understand
  17. No Malc, definetly covered ( Graham Slater should be able to confirm as Franny used to take it to the Vic Lounge on a Sunday night). Julian
  18. First one I remember was the Adlibs - Nothing worse than being alone. Dave Godin lent it to John Bollen and Franny O'Brien to get played in the Yorkshire Clubs around 1970. Julian
  19. Thanks Steve
  20. Any idea of value? (NOT Detroit Spinners). TIA Julian
  21. Just found this in a pile of records - it's not listed in JM's UK book and he can't help as he's never had/seen one. Any idea of price etc ( it's had the middle removed unfortunately). Tracks ere;- Barbara Lewis - Someday we're gonna love again Drifters - One way love Solomon Burke - Stupidity Coasters - Little Egypt Cheers Julian

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