A few tunes to whet you appetite.
Postage is £1.50 or £2.00 registered. f you want more than one, I'll have to check with the Post Office for the cost.
Cheque/PO/cash preferred but can do paypal + 4% for their fees - sorry.
PM me please
Tommy Neal - Goin' to a happening Pameline £100
This rates EX+ if not Mint- ( Pete Smith sold one last week in about the same condition,same price)
Willie Mitchell - That driving beat - London original 1965 press £40 - VG+ (possibly EX)
Dean Parrish - Tell Her - Boom + original sleeve VG+ £15
Barbara Mills - Queen of Fools - US Hickory original M- £50
Frank Popp - Smoove cover up - new copy - £30
Florence Miller - The groove I'm in - P&P M- £125 - big tune in the modern rooms
Florence Miller - I believe in love - P&P VG+ £50
Sapphires - Evil One - ABC WD M- £60
Four Sonics - Where are you - Triple B M- £40
Sam & Kitty - I've got something good - Four Brothers probably Ex £100
Fantaisons - Unnecessary tears - Satelitte M- £40
Sharpees - Tired of being lonely - Stateside + sleeve VG+ £70
Little Johnny Taylor - Zig Zag Lightning - Galaxy EX £25 - bit of red marker on Zig Zag side
Skull Snaps - Didn't I do it to you - GSF WD + sleeve £75 M- vinyl, letter B in black marker on mono side
Phillip Mitchell - I'n gonna build California - Jay Boy M- £40 one of the rarest on the label
Shakers - One wonderful moment - ABC original US EX £40
Let's see how these go, I might list some more next week.
Thanks for looking