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Everything posted by Julianb

  1. Alexander Patton - A lil loving sometimes. Been my all time favourite since I first heard it in 1966!!! Everything else simply pales into insignificance. Julian
  2. Dj'd a few times at places where the odd DJ played boots and pressings - they always look a bit sheepish when the OV's come out onto the turntables!!!
  3. I've got one of these 45s somewhere Julian
  4. Hi Vince you know where there is one!
  5. Just got a used copy off the 'net' for £19.99
  6. Bump. Last chance before off to evilbay!
  7. Smooth FM 100.4
  8. UK Mint- Cameo Parkway for sale - want to pm me? JB
  9. pm'ed you as well Julian
  10. Well, opened it up and it's got a scratched in matrix, so looks like a reissue. Never mind it was only cheap! Julian
  11. Hi Adrian It is a gatefold cover. Earlier in this thread it states that the reissues have thicker covers than the originals. The plot thickens - looks like I'm going to have to open it to check the deadwax, label etc as per Mr Manship unless anyone else has any ideas? PLEASE!
  12. Probably a bloody stupid question but;- is there any way to tell an original that's still sealed? ( one arrived today - it's not got the printed sticker on and can't really tell if it's matt or shiny but cover does look thin!) TIA Julian
  13. Mrs B was at Rochdale Town Hall on business a few weeks ago and came home with the idea of;- Northern Soul Tea Dances - having just watched a normal one in progress. How long before these take off? What age do you have to be to attend? What era of vinyl to be played and what tempo? How old have the DJs to be? Answers on a postcard please!
  14. Is this Brad from Colne? - if so, used to see him alot around the clubs AND at Bradford Market's warehouse!! ( well, the big warehouse not the little one with all the individual 45S ) Julian
  15. A few tunes to whet you appetite. Postage is £1.50 or £2.00 registered. f you want more than one, I'll have to check with the Post Office for the cost. Cheque/PO/cash preferred but can do paypal + 4% for their fees - sorry. PM me please Tommy Neal - Goin' to a happening Pameline £100 This rates EX+ if not Mint- ( Pete Smith sold one last week in about the same condition,same price) Willie Mitchell - That driving beat - London original 1965 press £40 - VG+ (possibly EX) Dean Parrish - Tell Her - Boom + original sleeve VG+ £15 Barbara Mills - Queen of Fools - US Hickory original M- £50 Frank Popp - Smoove cover up - new copy - £30 Florence Miller - The groove I'm in - P&P M- £125 - big tune in the modern rooms Florence Miller - I believe in love - P&P VG+ £50 Sapphires - Evil One - ABC WD M- £60 Four Sonics - Where are you - Triple B M- £40 Sam & Kitty - I've got something good - Four Brothers probably Ex £100 Fantaisons - Unnecessary tears - Satelitte M- £40 Sharpees - Tired of being lonely - Stateside + sleeve VG+ £70 Little Johnny Taylor - Zig Zag Lightning - Galaxy EX £25 - bit of red marker on Zig Zag side Skull Snaps - Didn't I do it to you - GSF WD + sleeve £75 M- vinyl, letter B in black marker on mono side Phillip Mitchell - I'n gonna build California - Jay Boy M- £40 one of the rarest on the label Shakers - One wonderful moment - ABC original US EX £40 Let's see how these go, I might list some more next week. Thanks for looking Julian
  16. Couldn't give it away in the 70's!!!!!
  17. Paul Rowan - sold him my EMIDISC machine Julian
  18. Get on your knees is the one I'm after. Thanks anyway.
  19. No thanks Albert - got a US Calla copy alredy, just interested in a UK copy for old times sake! Cheers Julian
  20. Thanks Pete, oh font of all soul knowledge Julian

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