Ember 312 is the original UK release ( had 10 copies off Barry Kingston of Spark records for 50p apiece back in the heyday!)
US original is on GM714 - it's been booted on styrene. Original is moulded over vinyl RAJ in deadwax.
As far as I'm aware it's real. Mine's the same signature - can't see the point in anyone else signing them - they are not exactly common to get hold of, so the chance that someone had 2 copies and decided to sign them ficticously seems a bit far fetched.
Thanks for the info Sean.
Considering I met her at 'The Wheel' I'm afraid she's going over to the 'dark side' where Soul Music is concerned!!!!
Julian Dinosoulaurus
I recently got an issue which stuck half way through. I put some bluetack on the cartridge head and replayed it. It played through OK and when I removed the bluetack and reverted to the normally weighted cartridge it played OK and has done ever since.
Seems like there was a bit of a sticking point in the grooves that this method sorted out!
Oh, yeah!
And you're going to reply to this one?
Both myself and Dolly replied 11th November. Not heard from you since!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me you're not a timewaster
My copy for sale is a light green label with 'How high can you fly' /say you will.
S4KM-0869-1A with a couple of dots opposite in deadwax.
Bought in the States 98 so assume this is an original?
Magnificents - My heart is calling/On main street - DeeGee promo (stamp on main st side) EX £75
Barbara Mills - Queen of fools - Hickory M- original £50
Dean Parrish - Determination - Boom Mint £50
Irma & Larks - Without you baby - Priority Mint DH £150
Denise Lasalle - Love Reputation - Chess M- £50
cheque/po/cash preferred. Paypal please add 4% for their fees.
+ £1.75 reg p&p = 50p per 45 extra
Pm me if interested
Thanks for looking