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Everything posted by solidhit

  1. It's about 90 miles from Allentown to NYC and it's the LONGEST 90 miles you'll ever drive. You should definitely leave 3 hours to drive from NY to Allentown. I need 2 hours from Hoboken, which is just across the river from NY. If you live in Brooklyn, add an hour just to get across Manhattan.
  2. While I don't normally rely on others to validate my own opinions on rarity/value, I certainly feel vindicated on this one.
  3. It might make good kindling, as I understand Georgia's had a bit of a colder winter than usual...
  4. You may be thinking of "From this day on", which was released on Seven B.
  5. Bobby Flax was based in NY. I met him about 10 years ago and bought a few copies of the MVP's from him. Very nice guy.
  6. I think Eldridge Holmes "Lovely Woman" on Deesu has a similar feel to the Skip Jackson record.
  7. Agreed! :-) Seriously, though. I think this is a much rarer record than others with a similar pricetag, and I'm surprised that this doesn't fetch more, particularly since other well-known classics have skyrocketed in recent years. Even taking into account the deflation of the last 2 years, 275 is still relatively cheap in my opinion. I suppose it could be that there just isn't much demand for it, but I really don't understand how this doesn't sell for much more.
  8. A valuation like that would imply to me that this is a relatively common record. In my experience it's not an easy record to find. In the 25 years I've been collecting, I only stumbled across it once and I bought it. Other records that sell for 275 or thereabouts appear on lists regularly. Where are all the copies of Connie Clark?
  9. I paid 300ukp for my mint copy from a UK seller at the Cleethorpes weekender 2 years ago. I thought that was a bargain. I reckon this record should be worth double that.
  10. https://vinylhipster.com/vinylhipster/turntable_faqs.html
  11. Why would anyone think two people named Benny and Bernard, respectively, would be the same person? Surely Benny is "short" for Benjamin or Benedict or maybe even Benson, and Bernard is "long" for Bernie? I'm surprised no one has said Buddy Harper is the same as either of these other 2, just because his first name begins with a "B".
  12. Isn't that a different record to the one he's looking for? I thought "You can lump it" only came out on Mid Town?
  13. I have an old issue of Record World from the mid 60's with a blurb about James Coit and a photo of him. As I recall, he was rather heavy-set.
  14. Just launched a new website... vinylhipster.com Crossover rarities podcast Crosley Revolution portable record player available (US addresses only for now) 45s for sale with pics and soundfiles Comments and feedback are welcome. thanks, Greg
  15. i'll try to dig this out tonight and make a recording of each side.
  16. Prices are to the right of each record. What browser are you using?
  17. Thanks for the feedback.
  18. Thank you all for your feedback. I guess I was a little too optimistic about the speed with which the sounds would load. I have removed all of the embedded sound files and made them hyperlinks instead. Please have another look at my sales list and let me know if you have any trouble: Solid Hit Soul sales list thanks, Greg
  19. I've just updated my sales page with a ton of new records - northern, r&b, and funk. All items have label scans and sound files embedded. Have also added Google Checkout, so would be very curious to hear any feedback from people who try to use that and have difficulties. The embedded sounds take awhile to load, but I think it'll be worth it for anyone who needs to hear what the records sound like. www.solidhitsoul.com/sales.html
  20. If you're not sorted on this yet, I've got 2 of these for sale here: https://solidhitsoul.com/sales.html
  21. i have a sly, slick and wicked for sale here: https://solidhitsoul.com/sales.html i have it listed for the other side, "Confessin' a Feelin'"
  22. i have one for sale here: https://solidhitsoul.com/sales.html
  23. I always thought this was a reissue label.
  24. I don't know of anything he did that comes out on any label besides Axis. And yes, this is a purple label. Earlier releases were yellow or red, but by this is one of the later outings for the label. This is a pretty good record, and probably rare, but I'm curious to know if anyone's ever paid what Manship lists it for.
  25. Anyone know what this record is worth? Bobby Black "Right On" (Axis 117). It's in Manship's guide (5th edition) for 1000.00. Is that right? Optimistically high, but still rare and desirable? Or simply a typographical error?

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