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Everything posted by leev

  1. wade flemmons- that other place the whole of 1987 at the hundred club lol. .
  2. i totally missed the point of this thread before doh! i posted 3 tunes i thought would make for a good finale to a set or night, numb nuts. endings and outros of records wise it has to be delreys inc. destination unknown- atmospheric fade out superb. graham central station - feel the need- 100 mile an hour stomper to stone dead in 1 second. the undertones - it's gonna happen tonight-fades out with some lovely horns and guitars great pop. and not a moment too soon lol.
  3. mandril - never die- most underated and under played mandril tune. arthur - miles helping hand- 90s soul as good as it gets for any soul genre from any decade. on a non soulful basis, but an anthem it's gotta be oasis- champagne super nova, does it for me everytime, where were you when we were getting high.
  4. Hi Thorsten, I'm interested in the Freddy Chavez could you p.m. me buddy. cheers
  5. i can't be arsed trying to make a soulful connection or drawing any paralells with the northern scene, and although not a massive jam fan, i must admit Liza Radley is one of my favourite ballads of any genre. Haunting and possibly wellers finest moment imho.
  6. sorry that should read Chick not cihick.
  7. i'm sure i responded to a thread of a similar nature a few years back on the old a.n.s. but hey it's a new day i must admit there are songs with far more slushy and sentimental lyrics than my choices, but these do it for me. idol few- people that's why..it's just beautiful and one man standing alone. edwin starr - my sweet lord.... i played it on a radio show last year and had to play sveral tracks after without speaking, so i could compose myself, it does me every time
  8. he should take it off it adds inches, he looks taller than he really is cihick from (steve patton) from bedford was the smallest fella' i knew or maybe steve carter from market harborough.
  9. And "help yourself " on Trojan a thorough bred stomper indeed.
  10. you little beauty scotty you must be related to uri gellar, i was gonna mention this on another thread yesterday. someone wanted suggestions foe tunes that may one day go big, this one had a ripple in the 70s back home in leicester but never went massive. pete robbinson had a few copies at the time i got mine off of leicester market, it has all the feel of a casinoesque type sound, i must admit 30 odd years on it doesn't float mty boat anymore, but it's appeal to the mod/ northern scen i would think would be huge, and on this basis i think it's a sleeping monster. now i'll be on another box scouring mission
  11. i bought a copy of this from robin salter a couple of months back ted, yes your are correct it is f****** brilliant,it is one of my favourite 70s spins at the mo' infact i'm sure it will remain so.
  12. i've contacted the person concerned several times, it was down to them to get back to me as they had forgotten how much i had paid for james fountain, we seem to differ quite considerably on amount. they haven't got back to me for a couple of months i guess i'll have to ring shortly. the other accidental purchase of a second issue from a different member i know won't be a problem he's a diamond geezer. i can't believe edward hamilton, i'm pretty sure i took it to the half time orange in a sales box about 18 months ago priced at £15 luckily i was too p****ed to be bothred and didn't really hawk my wares as it were. i forgot all about it until yesterdays thread on here i was more than pleasantly surprised at its present value to say the least.
  13. that is my hope eventually baz.
  14. phew! talk about mixed blessings. i recently discovered i'd paid a lot of money for james fountain seven day lover(soul source memeber) i also have been had over for a rock candy alone with no love, but the old grey matter fails me and i can't remember who sold me the bugger. i've just gone thtrough my box today and realised another recent purchase is a 2nd issue but i believe this to be a genuine mistake on the sellers part, and i've realised a couple of recent buys i alreday had doh! but the best news today is i was just reading another thread about edward hamilton. i'm gonna love you c/w call me on carrie. mine being an orange original, it has been tucked away in an old sales box for a few years, someone said they'd paid £150 recently and got a bargain, somebody else quoted £200 etc. i grabbed manships guide, £250 crikey i thought find the bloody box! box found and sifting through i found the little gem, dunno how long it's been tucked away but i'd got £15 yes FIFTEEN pounds on it. result or what
  15. i wanted to list both willi j. and co and frankie crocker as they would actually be in my all time top five, i just thougnt some anorak would pull me up as they contain a couple of lyrics. "do it frankie do it let's boogie let's boogie alnight"
  16. funny, referring to bari trak, it's always been one of my favourite insts,and inded is one of my prized posessions but it is strange how it is lauded as the be all and end all inst. now, i can remember back in the 70s when it got pressed up on soul galore, i couldn't get a d.j. anywhere to play it at one time. some of my fave insts. not in any order........ raw soul = the gig g.davies & r .tyler- hold on help is on the way the tko's- the fat man doni burdick- bari trak sons of moses-soul symphony carmel strings- i hear a symhony milton wright- the gallop al de lory right on teddy van - colored man willy and the mighty magnificents- funky eight corners and for pure memories of the time mistura- the flasher, i don't give a feck what the n.soul music police say, this was in its day one of the biggest records not just inst, to be played and the dance floor reaction the likes of which i never seen since i must admit mark, i love insts. myself and don't think enough are played compared to back in the day, i always try and slip a couple into a spot, but a nighter of 'em is just novelty gone baad
  17. Phil it's been a couple of months now mate, would you care to give me a call about James Fountain. cheers
  18. reckon so robin, i put the game on the screens in the venue i was dee jaying at last night, i hope to god the board appoint kelly coz on this form we'll be automatic promotion chappies next season....... blooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo army
  19. i bought a good few of these off of rod dearlove moons back, j.g. lewis is a cracker and too cheap, i paid £15 a few years ago and the atco release, i love this tune it is such a lost pearl. and oscar perry - wind me up, what a corker too, again should be a monster i've seen it for more recently and i reckon it's s sleeping monster.
  20. mike mcdonald - god knows tom jones - stop breaking my heart i'd say august and deneen- we go together is as poppy as it comes but brings back great memories of lost youth. i decided to play the present- many's the slip recently against some of my peers advice and wishes, it rammed the floor......poptastic matey
  21. king tutt- you got me hung up willi j.& co - boogie with your baby winfield parker-i want to be with you barbara mason & futures - make it last aly-us - follow me ujima - i'm not ready harold melvyn- prayin' timeless legend- i was born to love you the pro fascination- try love again family of eve- i want to be loved by you sort of across the board, but basically to me that should be a main room list in an ideal world, having said that ideally a one room world would be all we needed

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