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Everything posted by Ianc1971

  1. Good one this
  2. Thanks all i do some hunting over the next few days
  3. Ha ha cheers i'll look them up. I'm the same, one day i listen to a track and think "you're not gonna hear better than that". Then i'll hear something the next day and have the same thought process.
  4. their top 5, might give me more idea on what i maybe missing out on
  5. Thanks Louise thats tip top !!!! Well done Soul16 100% right
  6. No i think you're right. I'm just over complicating it
  7. In fact ive just listened to it again and theres something missing "Oh baby, I'll change in every way, (two or three words here) if you tell me you'll stay" Sounds like "Oh baby, I'll change in every way, Just for you, if you tell me you'll stay"
  8. To be honest i've listen to it a lot since posting this and this line is the only bit i just couldnt work out. "Oh baby, I'll change in every way, if you tell me you'll stay" 10/10 Soul16. It was driving me round the bend.
  9. I wouldn't even know where to start ?
  10. your right pal it is all about the sound. But when i'm singing along in my head i'd just like to get it right and just not make up mu own lyrics haha
  11. its one of my favorites. Went to my works xmas do last night and the DJ played some NS. Me and the missus just looked at each other and smiled then hit the dance floor. whether it looked good or not is a different story but for that 3 minutes it was amazing. Haha
  12. What an idiot never thought of looking on youtube. Was hell bent on finding the written lyrics.
  13. I've got a really bad recording of this track and its really hard to make out the lyrics. I've searched for them but i've had no joy. Can anyone enlighten me?
  14. To be honest i've only got CD/MP3 format of all my NS. Saying that some of them are ripped straight from vinyl and still have the hiss and crackles which is nice but sometimes hard to hear the lyrics. I understand both arguments and feel both are relevent but agree also with Mickey Finn. It would be nice to hear it as clear as it was when i was first recorded.
  15. Good choice
  16. As some know i'm new to the scene. Was just wondering what everyone thought of the CD/MP3 generation? For me the later as been god send as there is no way, getting this late into the scene, that i could collect the original tracks on vinyl. 1 It would be near impossible 2 It would take a lottery win Is something lost by remastering originals?
  17. hhC
  18. Ha ha like it !!
  19. WOW....... Thanks so much all of you for the info... Believe me i HAVE practiced in the Kitchen with my German Shepherd who seems to be a better mover than me....... I guess i'm just gonna have top bite the bullet and hit the floor. Thanks 'lovemusic' I'll have a look at Lowton Civic next friday. I used to live a stones throw away in my younger days being originally from Golborne & my missus is from Lowton albeit the Golborne side. I guess theres so much to learn about the scene. The more i listen and read, hear about it the more it draws me in. Just finished a book called 'The Story Of Northern Soul by David Nowell. A truly cracking read. Pity i wasnt around in its hayday (well i was was but to young). . How much money you all must have spent collecting records or just buying the ones you really liked must have been a challenge in itself What an amazing time you all must have had. Right i think its time to hit the kitchen as my feet are taping as i'm listening to my own compilation gathered from many CD's (thank god for eBay). Anyway thanks again for all the help and advice, its much appreciated. Cheers Ian
  20. Cheers pal
  21. My name is Ian pal. My missus is really into it as well. I've looked up a few local nites but we've always been away when they're on. Looking forward to going to our first nite.
  22. Cheers pal. i understand what you mean but i dont think i'd have the confidence without knowing some steps first.
  23. this is the right board to post this on but i'm gonna throw it out there. I'm new to the site and this is my first post so be gentle with me. I've recently gotten into Northern Soul in the last few years and totally enjoy the music. I guess the next step for me would be goin to a NS nite, but personally i'd like to be able to get on the dance floor and not make a complete fool of myself. I've watched tutorials on youtube and was wondering if anyone knew of any dance classes in the North West area (well Wigan really). Alot of people (posts) say its not about being a good dancer but enjoying the music, which i agree. But i'd at least be able to at least master the basic moves.... Any help would be much appreciated KTF !!

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