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Everything posted by Ianc1971

  1. Is 'Cry like a baby' by The Box Tops considered Northern ?
  2. Cheers Pal
  3. The only ones i can find on Kent are in MP3 format unless i'm doing somthing wrong. I'll have a look at planet records. cheers
  4. I'm after Darrow Fletcher - What good am i without you, but can only find it in MP3 format
  5. I've seen a few, i seem to think, re-issues on the 'Kent' label. Can you deal with Kent direct ? Everytime i search for it i just seem to get records shops that stock the kent label, I maybe doing something wrong though. Are there any other labels that do a lot of re-issues ?
  6. I've started to re-read the book again, which bit was it ?
  7. Shame its a blinder !!!! Good for you tho
  8. By Gladys Knight. Is it Rare as rockin horse shit or was it never released on 7".? Cant seem to find it anywhere.
  9. Thank you
  10. LOWTON XMAS SPECIAL with GINGER TAYLOR - Warrington Fri 09 Dec 2016 Does anyone know if DJs post their playlists anywhere? Being new to the scene i dont have a clue what 99% of tracks are called. regards Ian
  11. your right there. Just been on ebay and bought 2 more. Best stop drinking are this could get dangerous lol
  12. to you all. Hope you have a great time with your families and friends. Did you all get what you asked for ? The missus served me well this year. Not only did she buy me my first 3 Northern Soul records on vinyl (of which 2 are my favourite, upto now anyway) but a turntable to play them on. I've now got the collecting bug. Another great suprise was with only 3 records in my collection I've landed my first DJing spot Its not me really, but i wish it was
  13. yes pal haha
  14. Cheers
  15. I don't know if anyone on here went to the Lowton nite on friday but there was a lady going round taking photos of everyone. Just wondered if anyone knew if they get posted anywhere. Facebook etc
  16. Incidentally the first track i danced to was Mel Britt - She'll Come Running Back.
  17. Well funny you should say that. Me & our peg went to Lowton Civic Hall's Northern Soul, our first ever NS nite last night. Totally, totally amazing. We travelled down the M6, a bit apprehensive not knowing what to expect ,and got there about 8.30. We pulled into the car park and there was only about 8 cars on there. We went in, paid our money and walked throught the double doors to the sound of horns and base. There was about 30 people there, so we got a drink from the bar, grabbed a table and sat down (near the dance floor as someone on here advised me to do). After about an hour the place filled up quiet quickly, the Dj dimmed the lights and the night took off. Someone esle said the music would never sound the same at home when you've heard it at a venue, and how right they were. Anyway as the night went on my feet under the table were shuffling along to the music. I think we'd been there about a hour and half and i hadn't even heard a track that i knew (which goes to show much good music there is in this scene). The missus said, "are you gonna get up", i replied "dunno all these lot are good dancers i'd feel abit embarressed". But the more i watched i noticed that no one was watching anybody else they were just in their own moment. So after about 10 mins i said "Bollocks to it, if one comes on i know i'm up". Three records later the moment came. So up i got. What an amazing feeling of just letting yourself be ruled by the music. I dont know how it looked but after that i was up and down all night. Hooked is not the word. I'll be defo going to the 21st anniversary In Feb next year and hopefully a few different ones before. Thanks to everyone on here for their info and comments of support. They'll be never any other kind of music for this lad again only SOUL !!!
  18. I see this has got a right slagging, not only on here but on youtube posts too, i was wondering if there is an original version before the Levine remix/mix.
  19. The more i hear it the more abvious it becomes. Amazing when you actually know the lyrics
  20. If i see a Giraffe on the dance floor i know i've got no chance ha ha.
  21. Not enough hours in the day to check all these out but i'll give it a go. Charlene & soul serenaders - can you win ......... Love this one Theses are mine upto now Forever in my heart - Temptations Just walk in my Shoes - Gladys Knight Thrill a moment - Kim Weston Please Stay - Ivorys Gone with the wind - Rita & the tiaras Reaching for the best - Exciters (Not the Ian Levine mix) To be honest i could go on its like the tip of the iceburg, 5 above the water and hundreds below.
  22. Its a cracker. A tad overplayed by myself
  23. Think i've got a lot to catch up on. Pity i wasnt earlier
  24. Liked all of these

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