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  1. Hi Neal , just seen your post - I have multiple copies of this album - let me check them out again condition wise and I will get back to you. Regards Charlie
  2. Hi not sure if this post is still relevant ? May have some of the copies you are interested in ? Please get in touch . Thanks Charlie
  3. Dont know if this is relevant anymore as the last message was 2018 - if anyone is looking i have quite literally hundreds of Blues & Soul back issues now long out of print and no longer held by the publishers. Condition varies as does price when selling older copies against more recent copies any enquiries i will gladly give a full comprehensive description of each and every magazine usual minuses are writing on pages in pen or pencil , rips or tears to pages , pages missing ie poster removed etc , articles cut out from magazine , staining ie coffee or tea cup rings on page , colour fading ie prolonged sunlight damage , pages yellowing ie could be from a smoking enviroment or there was a period when Blues & Soul printers used cheap paper and pages have yellowed naturally over time the list is not exhaustive and im sure i could go on and on etc etc etc Anybody interested just get back to me Cheers Charlie
  4. Hi Soustrutter apologies for not getting back to you sooner have been away and never did receive an email from you ? Yes still have loads of early copies of the mag get back to me my email charles-brian@sky.com or text me on 07737661386 cheers
  5. Hi dont know if this post is relevent any more came across it by accident and it is over two years old ! Might be able to help you out with some of your Blues and Soul 'wants' if your still looking for them if interested please email me or reply to this thread my email charles-brian@sky.com Cheers Charlie
  6. Hi ,don't know if this thread is relevant anymore ? I have literally hundreds of back issues of Blues & Soul,including very early ones, that i have amassed over the years while building my own collection. I will check your "wants" against my duplicate copies list and make a note in the event you read this post.Anybody else interested just shout out. Smoothsoulman

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