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Everything posted by Planesoul

  1. Never did an All-nighter without some gear,knew my limit and never exceeded it & always used the same supplier & was out most weekends.Im 72 now and still going out to northern nights every weekend but havent done a niter or any gear for last 20 years.Really miss that part of the scene but dont want to risk the old ticker going BOOM !!
  2. i live in the East Midlands and go out every weekend to different venues ranging from small places where you might get 25 -40 people to 100 plus venues and cover my local area of Derby,Nottingham,Coalville,Ashby and i can honestly say i have never come across anything remotely like the negative vibe experienced by some on here.Maybe im really lucky to live in an area of super friendly soulies.Im 71 and been doing the Northern lifestyle for 50 plus years and i think the scene is in great shape nowadays and hopefully will continue to be so
  3. Get yourself back out there Mick,the local small venue scene is as good as ever.Iam incredibly lucky in that i live in the east midlands so have Derby,Nottingham & Leicester within an hours drive.This means i can usually find somewhere every Friday,Saturday &now Sunday afternoons which have gone big around here..Also i seem to have the choice of Northern&Motown,Modern,Rare&underplayed so i suppose it does depend where you live.Yesterday i went to a Northern & Motown afternoon and there were at least 80 there with great sets from all the DJs and a full dancefloor for the 5 hours it was on.
  4. i think it is probably Butlins Skegness week-enders but i wouldnt know the numbers at its best
  5. J.J.Barnes-Show me the way to your heart, just the best of Northern Soul by one of the best vocalists EVER
  6. J.J.Barnes Show me the way to your heart
  7. Gloria Jones at this years Skegness weekender ,the ladies she pulled out the audience were better than her
  8. What is all this serious stuff about for gods sake.i am 68 years old and have been doing this for 50 years,Weekenders are brilliant fun. 4 days away from home and having a drink,meeting loads of friends and listening to and dancing to all the records you hear at your local venue but in a huge room with hundreds of people all loving the same lifestyle.Last year me & the wife did Prestatyn.Blackpool Tower,Bridlington,Whitby,Weymouth&Skegness and they were all brilliant,great fun,getting a few drinks and meeting all our friends from all over the U.K.Long live the weekender, we love them and will be doing them all and more in 2020
  9. I was told more or less same thing,that it was down to numbers, soul survivors weekend about 3to 3,500 but the weekends like 70,s 80,s revival type weekend gets about 6,000 people so I guess about making money.Really disappointed its finished.
  10. I usually do Friday,Saturday & Sunday afternoon most weeks and this week all three are within 15 miles of home.I am nearly 70 years old now so I have retired from allnighters but still do the odd all dayer.Ido weekenders all over the U.K.,Prestatyn,Blackpool,Torquay,Bridlington&Whitby booked so far this year
  11. In my local area(East Midlands) I can easily find an event for Friday,Saturday,&Sunday afternoon almost every weekend.Since Xmas I have been to probably12 to 14 events and there is a huge difference in crowd size every week dep-ending on what is being played For example I have been to In comparison to two or three brilliant rare & underplayed events with attendances as low as 12 of us at an all dayer just after xmas, In comparison the regular monthly established venues that play top 200 that fill dance floors are always busy.this last weekend was typical ,Friday established venue ,well known D,Js at least 60 to 70,Saturday rare7 underplayed about 30 and yesterday afternoon established sunday afternoon venue at least 50 to 60,There are always multiple events but it seems the long running regular venues are holding their crowd numbers really well,trying to compete against them is almost impossible.

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