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Greedy Mick

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Everything posted by Greedy Mick

  1. I can't imagine what Ted went through. The most important thing is that he is OK. Stay strong Ted our thoughts are with you. Mick and Kevin
  2. Hi all Thanks for the Many pm's etc . Once I have gone through them all along with offers from elsewhere I'll get back to you. Many thanks Mick
  3. Hi all Thanks for the pm's. I will keep them all while sorting out offers. Here is a picture of the posters, please excuse my fingers holding the posters, they haven't been unrolled since 1981
  4. Was looking through some old stuff and found these . Any idea how much they would fetch as I'd like to raise some money for the stroke association charity. I have several tickets with ticket stubs ( can't remember last time I saw any for sale ) plus a selection of patches and a car windscreen sticker . Along with a selection of magazines I also have 3 of the posters given out at the last few niters. These are still rolled up from the time I got them in 81 Many thanks mick
  5. Am trying to fill a missing gap in my Gamble black issues. How much would a Bobby Wilburn on a black Gamble issue cost. It has to be an issue as I want I'm a dreamer Many thanks Mick
  6. With my nickname I'm saying nothing
  7. R I P.. what a voice.. we are so so lucky to have the artists and musicians etc like JJ Barnes who managed to make some of the most amazing records that we love and treasure
  8. Many thanks for your help.. was surprised how much it fetched though..
  9. Thanks for that. When my son comes round I'll ask him to have a look.. as I don't use Facebook.. But appreciate your help
  10. Hi does anyone know how much twelve 76 on critique fetched as I was busy and missed the last 1/2 hour of the auction
  11. Like Mark I remember Steve Post Wigan, remember him at so many venues in early 80s , very sad news, and that great allniter in the sky has gained a great dj to keep all those soulies already there on the dance floor. Rip Steve and regards to all your family and friends
  12. Thanks to you both, you have clarified what I needed to know
  13. Sorry if this has been posted before, if so please guide me in right direction... If I was to see a record for auction ie on manships , Tim browns, pat bradys auction pages, Someone told me to be careful about what you bid as you will pay your bid price even if the price bid below yours is a lot lower. If anyone can clarify it would be appreciated Thanks in advance Mick
  14. My very old dishwasher finally died this week and I headed off to the shops to get new one.. was in curry's looking around and a sales assistant asked what I was looking for. Told them I just wanted an economic dishwasher with a timer so I can make use of my economy 7 lol. They said are you sure you don't want a smart dishwasher as it sends messages to your phone if it needs rinse aid or more dishwasher salt. I said does this basic model not tell you that?? Yes it does it tells you on the display when it needs any.. it cost £249 smart ones £300 more . Am I really missing something are people this sad that they spend £300 more just to have it sent to their phone. Or am I getting old lol
  15. Have seen him live, he's a great singer/performer. But it's NOT northern
  16. I have a mint "unplayed" copy of this. If you or anyone else want to make an offer please pm me.
  17. Wow. I'm flabbergasted. I've never experienced anything like that. And also have never worn fancy dress to a soul night. Don't worry you are always welcome to listen to records in my lounge lol. Don't need a book as have one and read it several times to absorb everything.
  18. Remember Gary playing it. At Leicester and Stafford.
  19. I also remember a very well known record dealer having one for sale. I want to say $1000 and I was so tempted and literally a week or so later got one for £40 . I always thought that it was one of the sons of the label owner who sold them , but a long time ago so if I'm wrong, sorry
  20. I'll try what you both have said. Probably have to wait for one of my sons to come round lol.. I've only just managed vynil after 40 years of collecting lol. Only just found out that there's 2 other speeds. 33 and 45
  21. I have already converted all my oddfellows tapes to cd. Just have no idea how to put them on soul source so everyone can enjoy.. some of them are recorded through the decks and are great to listen to
  22. Great memories, I was stood behind the camera man along with Dave Wheeler in his hi-vis orange dungarees as Keb played it. And as we went back to the main room Ally caught Dave for an interview (which can be seen on the video) and i ran off paranoid lol Before he could collar me lol.. always brilliant how we remember certain things in our lives lol
  23. Always been one of my favourite records. I have a cassette of oddfellows 1st anniversary where Gary Rushbrooke introduces it as the embers , playing the part of the fool before Stafford recorded feb 1983 , if anyone can help i would love to post it for everyone to listen to but have no idea how to ( have it in cd format). Also I have the acetate that keb had cut with the Delcos on the flip. Will dig it out and post a picture when I get time . As always great to read all the posts with snippets of information
  24. Brilliant read , thanks for posting, it's one of my favourite albums. It's one of the few albums that I can play both sides through and through again and again. Love all of a sudden can't believe that it wasn't massive on the northern scene
  25. Thanks mate, these were the ones I had seen, a lot of faces I recognise but can't put names to. A few of them looked like a few soulies I knew in mablethorpe, but it's a long while ago so I might be wrong.

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