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Greedy Mick

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Everything posted by Greedy Mick

  1. Ha ,remember the bomb scare ,as we were going down the fire escape to the right hand side of the stage as you look at it Tony shouted about the ds and loads of people ran back to the toilets and then exited back down to the street. As to the 2nd anniversary a few years ago I put the video onto dvd and did a sleeve using flyer badges and car sticker etc. Great times never missed one cesc event
  2. My choices. Wade Flemons That other place Volcanos against the laws of love Impressions you've been cheating. For all you in a happy relationship, have a good time. Maybe not for me at the moment lol
  3. I'm greedy , hence the nickname, I'll take them all, I don't have to pay postage as well do I??
  4. Hi all. Not sure if memory is playing tricks on me but I seem to remember a slightly different version of this . If anyone can help i it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, mick
  5. The only letters most soul dancers have after their names are SKF
  6. Does it stand for Northern soul dancer loves ponderax, tenuate dospan, Dexedrine.
  7. Have pm'd you
  8. I know that we have heard this record so many times and yes I think it is totally over priced, I think it has been since Kenny sold it.. but if it had never been booted or reissued and we so rarely got to hear it.. I think these comments would be totally different. Its not a bad record we've just heard it too much.
  9. Bill Harris, Am I cold am I hot A side short version B side long version Freddie Chavez They'll never know why Baby I'm sorry Baby I'm sorry was a big floor filler at Leicester Oddfellows in the 80s
  10. I once as a joke bought my wife sanitary towels as a present she never saw the funny side of it . And for my sons some Tena-men pants for their 30th birthday which I gave them to unwrap at the restaurant infront of friends and family.. Some people do not appreciate the thought that goes into presents like this..
  11. Going to be a bit different. Ramona Collins you've been cheating.. the long intro version.. the 1st time I heard it I was thinking what the hell is this.. now when I hear it I get the tingling as I know what is coming
  12. Old Stafford sound
  13. Black Bombers?,? Glad Riker stopped making them lol. One night I dropped 8 this was a Friday niter.. by the following Thursday morning I was seeing shadow people in my peripheral vision and hearing voices.. not good. I know I got a nickname cause of how much gear I used to take but that was the worst week of my life. Now I'm totally straight apart from a glass of nice red wine with a nice dinner
  14. Loving this thread. I remember going to the first all nighter in Leicester after wigan had shut. And unfortunately it was cancelled. No buses after 11. But we all walked home together and chatted away at 100mph all the way home for some reason. Home was about 5 miles . And parents wondering why I didn't want breakfast But the longest journey back from a niter was coming back from Leighton buzzard to Leicester. We realised that we had missed junction 21 on m1 as we started the approach to the Humber Bridge. Thankfully we were able to come off , turn round and drive all the way back to Leicester before we ran out of petrol.. All I can say is that it's amazing when you are verballing away how easy it is to miss your turn off
  15. I was wrong
  16. Sounds like Cilla Black to me. Could be wrong ?
  17. Hi lots of photos from Oddfellows in galleries, and some great threads.
  18. Hi Mark. I was lucky enough to go to Wigan a few times from the age of 15 lol. But agree with you on many points on this. I enjoyed the oldies niters for the buzz and as a youngster the dancersand clappingetc , but also enjoyed the Saturday niters for hearing new sounds especially records from Gary Rushbrooke and newer records from Richard although it looked so empty. When you mentioned what records Gary Rushbrooke did for you I totally agree especially with the Vondells, Ree Flores, Royal Esquires, Tommy Dodson ,Tee Fletcher , Embers crazy about you baby with so so so many more. Not heard gasoline powered clock for ages was it covered up as Lord Sitar and the Baltimore Marching Band? Mick
  19. Sorry mate, I had no idea it was a scam was just trying to help a fellow souly find a record they wanted. Ps Won't do it again cause I'd feel awful if someone got scammed cause of something I told them about. Apologies again Mick
  20. Sorry to all concerned. Its just that I'd seen it on discogs, had no idea it was a scam was just trying to help the person looking for it.. Won't do it again and will just have to assume the person looking for it has searched all options Mick
  21. Cheapest one on disco's. £63 how cheap does it need to be?
  22. I've only done a few spots at nighters but I've never been scared to go in different directions as I see how people enjoy what I am playing. The moments I remember the most are Playing The soulville all-stars I'm gonna get to you then saying here is their other release, nobody to blame but myself, the floor filled .and people were asking what it was. At a mainstream niter playing Lee Andrews and the hearts can't do without you and clydie king bout love. Great forgotten 100% stompers . Again people dancing to cheap records asking me what they were. I was happier with people dancing to the cheap stuff rather than the tomangoes. Yes i played it but felt pressed to play it. Like you say chalky. Thousands of great and cheap records. But don't get me started about totally ignored Flip sides.. So so many awesome records that people just have never heard.
  23. I'm really enjoying reading people's replies to this thread. I've always said that if everyone enjoyed the same records that it would be like listening to the same lp,tape,cd on permanent repeat very very boring. And whilst talking too quickly often outside a niter at 3am I've often said that for some reason every record will have its time and place on the scene. Like Judy Street was mentioned. And we can all think of a tune that would make us run to the dance floor at 2.00 o,clock in the morning and dance our arses off to, whether in the 70s 80s 90s 0r 2000s. But now we would cringe to hear now. The one record that I could easily forget was one I bought as a cover up.it was Gary Rushbrookes, lord Sitar and the Boltimore Marching Band. For some reason I have never sold it . Not played it for about 30 years, but it makes me cringe when I hear it. And as for the forgotten I love to hear things I haven't heard of for years, and when you hear them they bring back the Time and place and emotions you were feeling at that Moment... my current one is the O Jay's, I'm so glad I found you. Takes me back to being a 12/13 year old and dancing to it at school disco's on a Friday night
  24. Totally agree. Wigan was good but post Wigan the diversity of niters and new sounds from Stafford, winter Gardens, oddfellows, queen's Hall, morecambe, Leighton buzzard, and 100 club to name a few, opened my ears to the best music and the best years of my life . And if you stay away from oldies only niters you can still discover new sounds. IT DIDN'T STOP IN 81 IT WAS BORN AGAIN and kept the scene going for the people who came back 20 plus years later
  25. Absolutely loved it. The orchestra put their hearts and soul into the music.. the singing was amazing. The input from the people who where with Stuart gave awesome remarks. But the best by far for me was the most energetic dancing by all the younger generations in their white t shirts waving their hands around like it was a rave.. why did we not dance like that in the 70s and 80s, they put so much effort and enjoyment in their dancing it was magnificent

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