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Greedy Mick

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Everything posted by Greedy Mick

  1. Mike, lovely words. I bet most of us on the site feel the same due to our age. Never a day when I don't think about my Dad x. He was a great man to me and my siblings
  2. I was so looking forward to this. But due to my health I'm not going to be able to make it.. if anyone could list what Tim plays i would really appreciate it. Many thanks Mick.
  3. Really looking forward to hearing Tim's spot and what he plays.
  4. Looking forward to hearing what Tim plays.
  5. Looking forward to Blackpool and hearing proper Northern again. God forbid we like something a little different ️koko . Ktf etc
  6. Due to ill health I can't go to niters now.. sort of glad when I see this going on. Glad I've still got 48 years of memories of the music and niters and the scene when it was a special place
  7. Inappropriate comments
  8. Can't recall a vocal version of frantic escape.. would love to hear it.. I've just checked my Atlantic and Pameline copies, both got crime doesn't pay on flip a funky sound..
  9. Cause of health issues I'm on a diet and I'm back in a 38 waist lol. But still not wearing flairs that I wore when I was at junior school lol. As for a vest ?? At My age Tena men are the way forward lol. Sad news .
  10. If you look at the posters carefully apart from the girl in full circle skirt no one is in flares and vest with badges on their vests...remember in 80 to 84 We all wore jeans or pegs with a white belt and a smart shirt, think about what you wore at oddfellows, cleethorpes winter Gardens etc. Never saw you in flares or a vest with patches on. Remember you in a grandad shirt lol. I am referring to the person who goes out now with 40 inch flares and a vest. That was fashionable in 73 maybe 74. But now to me it looks wrong. If I went out in a 90s shell suit it would look wrong as well.. Sorry if I offended you. Mick
  11. Best thing about the posters,,,,, no fancy dress,,,, no vests and no flares,,,, We wore the fashion of the day not fancy dress clown outfits
  12. Will be interesting to see what it fetches as I have 3 of the posters from 500th all niter,the Last oldies niter and end of an era. Never been unrolled until i took photo and have tickets and ticket stubs from each night along with the badges.
  13. Do hope one day justice will be done one way or another..
  14. Can't believe Marsha and the Delwands at £240.. it was always in the back of boxes at 50p or a £1... only bought mine to fill gaps in label collection. Some things always surprise me.
  15. I have about 6 boots that I will never afford without a lottery win. Am I OK to play them at home if no one is listening lol.
  16. Just wondering, is the flip on Johnny cobb & the attractions forget him?? Big Stafford sound?
  17. I know I'm going off topic slightly but did it get a UK release on contempo ? Or is it something else I'm getting mixed up with??
  18. What's a sixpence?
  19. Although I can't imagine selling my collection, I know several people who have sold amazing collections.. from their experiences all I could suggest is to list/auction the rarest ones as it will out weigh what you get for the run of the mill stuff that most people have . If you sell to someone they want to make a profit, who can blame them. But if you have big sounds you might be able to get a better price through auctions and paying their fees.
  20. Many thanks for the information. Much appreciated
  21. Very sad news. Another great artist gone. Love and prayers to his family and friends.. I have always loved baby I'm sorry possibly more than I'll never know why. But 2 great songs of which I am thankful for. I have often wondered if he sang on thee checkers lack of love as it is a similar voice?? Rip Freddie, and show those angels how a soul record should be sang...
  22. Hi this is the 6th Anniversary at Loughborough town hall , Ally managed to get the Oddfellows club for one last niter in Feb 87 for the 5th Anniversary. But carried on at Loughborough, Peterborough and market Harborough for a while. Best wishes Mick
  23. Have heard you dj before and enjoyed tunes you have and like so will be a great spot as always. Best wishes Mick

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