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Greedy Mick

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Everything posted by Greedy Mick

  1. Thanks for posting this. Always think it's great to actually see the artists behind the music we love.
  2. Would love to see the photo if you can find it
  3. Thanks for that mate. If you ever see me behind the decks please ask for it. I'm also looking forward to playing the chantels and the aqua lads I'll never know
  4. Hi. You say that you have never heard it out I played it a couple of times but it is one of those sounds that not many know and didn't go down well with the dancers
  5. Was looking through records on eBay up for auction last week and saw a reasonable copy of Herbert Hunter born to love you. At the time bidding was up to $630 dollars. Not sure what price it finished at but after doing a search I found one on Mr Manships for £350 with label damage and one on rare soul 45's for either £400 or £450 can't remember which. My point is that why don't people do a quick search or are they like a rabbit caught in the headlights and just bid and bid cause they have more money than sense??
  6. Had absolutely no idea that this record was so rare. Found a black gamble issue years ago at a local carboot sale. And it has sat in a record box for about 25 years lol. Just played it. I'm a dreamer wow what an amazing cross over sound
  7. Thanks for that Billy. Can't find my copy (god knows what I have done with it) so just got the one off Sean's website . If I ever find mine I might have one to sell lol.
  8. Many thanks
  9. Thanks. So maybe it was just a change of label design. I hadn't given that a thought. Thanks again
  10. Hi all. Don't know if this has been covered before but does anyone know why the cartoon character of the lion holding a record is on some demos and not others. I have took photos of 2 demos to show differences
  11. I've just had a bad experience with a record dealer using his site. Not naming him but big name on the scene and promoter in the 80s. Anyway I occasionally have problems with my email address so I messaged him to ask if I could pay directly over the phone he said yes and asked what record it was (it's £35 on his site and still there) so i told him what it was guess what no reply I take it he wasn't making enough money for him to sort it out and process it the old way. Won't even look at his lists anymore. Not my fault my money isn't good enough
  12. Whoops. Sorry about that mate. Was trying to help someone with their wants.
  13. Loads on discogs from $1 plus shipping. My favourite version of this song.
  14. There's one on Discogs. It's only £2499.99. Might as well round it up to £2.5k.
  15. Just read this in the Leicester mercury on line sorry don't know how to do links
  16. Just read this in the Leicester mercury on line. Sorry don't know how to do link
  17. I'm not going to mention the record I wanted so people don't get offended if they think it is them I am getting at. A few months ago I missed a record that I had forgotten about which went for £125. So I thought I'd stretch to £150. Minimum price I was offered one at was £250. A big difference in my eyes. In the end I got a mint one off a record dealers website for £100 plus p&p.
  18. Why is it if you post a record want either on here or any other platform sellers seem to either double or triple the going rate just cause you are looking for one. Do they automatically think you are in an auction and going to pay silly prices. I don't mean every seller just that some seem to think that they can inflate their prices
  19. After the joys of getting older and having a period of bad health I can't see me ever going to another all niter unless they come up with a vaccine I've become accustomed to doing other things at the weekend now
  20. Somebody buy the whispers and drop it in the middle of a set and see the reaction on the floor as it's a great cheap one
  21. Hi Gilly. Looking forward to this. Email sent
  22. Brilliant article. Thanks for spending the time compiling it. Made a brilliant read
  23. Hi anyone got a copy of the this for sale. Let me know

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