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Greedy Mick

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Greedy Mick last won the day on February 2

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About Greedy Mick

  • Birthday 12/05/1965

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  • Interests
    Lots of different things. But always loved the northern soul scene
  • Top Soul Sound
    Changes very often. Depends on what I have bought and how much it gets played.. currently

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Community Answers

  1. Ha,,,, I've broken ribs in the past. And yes laughing is not funny
  2. Wow, thank you .. my sister used to go to the night owl nighters in Leicester in the 1960s. I grew up listening to soul and motown from her room etc.. and post wigan as a Leicester lad the oddfellows, hinckley and Loughborough were my local niters. Thank you for sharing. It is amazing how much this music means to us. It's probably something that you can't explain to people who have never experienced it...
  3. I'm probably a youngster on the site, not 60 till May.. Been diagnosed with a fatal illness got 50 percent chance of another 5 years ( Do not want sympathy as it is what life decides) Can't participate in niter aids again and trust me with my nickname that is the most difficult thing. Only have an occasional pint of real ale or glass of barossa shiraz. But what I find helps me above anything is listening to the sounds that we love and grew up with.. sometimes they bring a tear to my eyes but they are happy tears of years gone by.. I am so glad that I discovered this scene as a 12 year old and Can't believe that after 48 years It means so so much ️ So to the Northern soul scene of 81 onwards up until today the biggest thank you Greedy
  4. I'd be at Leicester Oddfellows 1st. Stafford 2nd. Leighton buzzard 3rd 100 club 4th Cleethorpes winter gardens 5th Bring back the memories.. These are the memories I would love to visit again from the 80s..
  5. On Billy Fran.. Never managed to get one of these, one of my favourite 60s newies, along with Oscar Perry face reality
  6. Or the same j j Jackson who recorded let the show begin on prelude?
  7. Sorry I didn't realise that the Mecca wasn't a niter, my apologies for getting it wrong.
  8. I was born in 1965 , was lucky enough to go to the casino a few times, although preferred the Saturday nights with Richard and Gary playing sounds that were new to me. Either new releases or sounds I didn't know.. Rather than the Friday night oldies allnighters .. Then was lucky to go to so many niters all over the country. My fave 3 are Oddfellows Stafford Leighton Buzzard ( just for the tables) lol then so many to mention in no particular order Cleethorpes winter gardens, morecambe pier , rock city, bradford, 100 club Peterborough,Blackburn, Loughborough, queen's hall, St Ives. Plus many more I haven't listed.. Then after being married and having children etc I got back into niters and then Rugby, Coalville, Ibstock, Blackhearts, Sheffield, Dark horses etc I know that I wasn't old enough to go to Blackpool mecca, the torch, but the one place I wish I'd been old enough to attend was the Talk of the North niters at Cleethorpes pier. Which if any do you wish you had been able to attend??
  9. Very sad news. Great bloke & Great dj. Condolences to his family and close friends . Another one gone too soon to that big allnighter in the sky. R I P. Phil x x
  10. Up until recently I could be a grumpy old Victor Mildred. But since being told I have a fatal disease, I don't give a f##k anymore and try to be positive and make someone smile with my weird/sick sense of humour. Life is short and very very precious. Do what you can do to make you and everyone else smile.. Don't forget a stationery store never moves And a poorly octopus costs six quid And I went to see a psychotherapist but the sign on his door was very narrow and said Psycho The Rapist. Ps only a play on words , not to upset anyone
  11. Thanks for this will go lidl on way home tomorrow. . Ps don't forget to flip hold on as working on your case is the flip . My favourite ojays record
  12. Sorry I was being facetious, I have loads on Grapevine, And along side the Grapevine singles I have the 3 albums which have great records on them... was just taking the Michael out of wigan ovation ...
  13. Pete, What do you mean about the awful records played at that time?? I can only dream of hearing these played again . As for the rarest version of wigans chosen few. Makes Frank Wilson look cheap.
  14. Hi not had any dealings with this company but have had 3 gold warranties with ford on my last 2 cars. Not the cheapest but in 1st year of having my st they replaced water pump, then my egr valve along with dpf filter with no cost to me have just renewed it as the last 2 times I've had it I have recouped the costs, About 10 years ago ago I had same cover with my mondeo st and it more than paid for itself. Just had to have car serviced properly.

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