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Greedy last won the day on September 17 2021

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About Greedy

  • Birthday 01/01/2000

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    William the Conqueror
  • Top Soul Sound
    Soul music

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Community Answers

  1. Hi Peter I remember the photo but don't remember names. Who's the lad with towel round his neck and what is the name of the lad on left of the photo as I spent a few nights at his house.. and what was the name of the lad who owned/ran a clothes shop on the main street?? No wonder I remember who you are. I remember having photos taken with you all. Shame I'm not in the one posted
  2. This makes a lot of sense. My parents had a caravan at saltfleet and I knew lots of soulies from Mablethorpe, so that's why I remember you along with many others
  3. This makes a lot of sense. My parents had a caravan at saltfleet and I knew lots of soulies from Mablethorpe, so that's why I remember you along with many others
  4. Thank you Pete. Since lockdown it has become my place of enjoyment and relaxation especially with not so good health nowadays. the veg tastes so good especially as I use no chemicals and be totally organic.. once it was dug over it only costs a few pounds a year on seeds and I get so much from it in many ways. Take care Mick
  5. Personally I've not noticed as many wasps but I grow lots of veg which attracts a lot of butterflies especially cabbage whites. Have noticed a lot of dragon flies lately, had loads of flying ants in July. My neighbours feed birds so we get loads of different finches, blue tit's and great tit's along with blackbirds, sparrows and starlings etc . Also had a pair of common wood peckers and as I sleep with the window open I hear a cuckoo every dawn chorus. I only live a few miles south of Leicester city centre, maybe another couple of miles away from countryside. I think I'm lucky to see so much variety of animals. Here's a picture of my garden with the veg growing
  6. Well I went to see my son to give him his card and present as it was his birthday on Saturday and he was away.. came back done some weeding in my veg garden, fed my tomatoes etc. Was going to paint some more fence but made mistake of sitting down with a film on. Dozed off as normal. Have woke up and have watered the rest of the garden and cooked dinner for tonight, what an exciting life I lead now lol. Think I've turned into my Dad apart from I'm not allowed to enjoy a pint anymore .
  7. Hi all. Glad you are doing well and your best. It doesn't get easier as we get older
  8. I'm really enjoying this thread/topic. I'm learning so many new things and remembering things I have forgotten, please keep them coming as between reading all the comments and searching on YouTube, Google etc I'm hearing some awesome stuff. Thanks everyone
  9. I messaged him when he came on here 3 years ago but didn't get reply and he's not been on since. Fun times at his house when my mate lodged there. Hope you get intouch with him.
  10. No! I had no idea at all until I played it i couldn't believe my ears as id only heard it on a cassette tape as because was saving up to get married hadn't been to 100 club for a while. I have posted the story before, but I'll be quick to tell again.. I went to a local car boot in Oadby in Leicestershire and there was an old chap with a small record box with a cardboard insert saying 60s soul . I thought as usual as if ?? Anyway was 12 records left in box and the only one I knew was Jimmy Norman on little star you know I'm in love. So I asked how much and he said 50p each or a fiver for all. So I bought the lot. So got Mac Staten and jj Jackson let the show begin on prelude, pat Clayton someone else's turn. The innkeepers never should have done it on galeko, Bobby Wilburn I'm a Dreamer on Gamble. Which wasn't played much then and 1 that my memory is eluding me at present and a few I didn't know on the little star label by Jimmy Norman and Dorothy Berry.. A couple of weeks later I saw the same chap and asked if he had any more records and he said I'd bought the last few.. I then asked where he got them from and he said that he worked at an American airbase in the 60s and the Americans bought them over to play and they left them behind and he collected them.. He said he'd sold loads before I bought the last few.. to this day I often wonder what else was in the boxes before me and what happened to them.. Probably got more chance of winning the lottery than ever finding anything else like this again. Best wishes Mick But want to add that we have a hell of a lot to owe to Mark/Butch for the most amazing records he has found and played for us all to hear and enjoy over the years
  11. Mac Staten There she goes, old Bobby Angele c/up which I uncovered in 1989. Probably the best 50p at a car boot ever spent Still remember the moment I dropped the stylus on it . Got told off by the missus fir swearing . But it's something I'll never forget.
  12. Great group, lots of great sounds
  13. Very sad news, condolences to family and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Mick & kevin
  14. Mike, lovely words. I bet most of us on the site feel the same due to our age. Never a day when I don't think about my Dad x. He was a great man to me and my siblings
  15. Greedy

    100 Club

    I was so looking forward to this. But due to my health I'm not going to be able to make it.. if anyone could list what Tim plays i would really appreciate it. Many thanks Mick.

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