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Everything posted by Kenb

  1. nice one. i also think Jukebox George connected a lot of that up
  2. @David Meikle ah yes David, beam me back to Belle Vue, thru Elizabethan to Carlisle room ( i think). Forget me not
  3. https://eu.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/brian-mccollum/2024/03/27/martha-reeves-hollywood-walk-of-fame-live-ceremony/73110086007/
  4. you may well have already figured this out...but Henry Hines had a few geograhic connections with Greenville. (Henvick Lynn's) Lynn Productions. Tommy Bee's Tomahawk label branch address was also Greenville ( Henry was sales & marketing).
  5. @Yann V Hi Yann, has the intro/melody on 'love that one' been used anywhere else to your knowledge? It sounds so familiar to me. P.S. fab release, thanks
  6. Now they are running Workshops! Oh please. Perhaps there needs to be another definition when advertising nights/ venues. ONSO= original northern soul only Frankly I give up
  7. yes...the prawn sandwiches remarks by Roy Keane spring to mind.
  8. let's hope they get fed up and P*** Off to Ceroc
  9. I just don’t think we should give it any oxygen. The number of non NS people that think they know me ( but don’t really) that keep asking me what I think, if I’m going, the plays, the dancing, Bristol, etc, makes what was somewhat a private matter for me, become even more so.
  10. Linda Queen's 45 has been on aution a week and sold last night for a modest sum. I thought it was timely to tidy up my old notes, research, and new findings and put them in this one pager. With more releases Linda would surely have gone on to be a firm favourite, Great voice. As it turned out there is a tragic 1994 postscript to her life, as she fell victim to murder. Siblings and relatives are probably still alive, so those details are not published here. Linda Queen, first look.pdf
  11. birthday present for you Peter, (and for the other posters in the topic). Tony at the decks
  12. if you need to get in her good books...
  13. We are now hitting issue #36 of this very long running informative 'Northern Connections' series from ken Brown aka @Kenb Northern Connections # 36 Deception Today (2023) it would hardly be considered the crime of the century to operate a 'near victimless mail scam' or cause a deception for the benefit of a few 45 records. However, not so in Virginia 1972. Back then, defrauding a record club and stereo tape club carried a U.S. District Court indictment. Some still may say that's justice, a crimes - a crime. In the event, a man was convicted of 12 counts of fraud pertaining to the 12 addresses. The convicted man had an obvious twinkle in his eye when it came to the execution of the fraud he enacted upon the Capitol Record Club of Thousand Oaks, California, and Columbia Stereo Tape Cartridge Service, Indiana. Although the addresses used were real, the man used fictitious names to apply for club memberships and later club membership numbers issued were used in obtaining free bonus records for sponsorship of other bogus applicants. A few of those fictitious names included Mary Willson, Jackie Wilson and James Carr (nod to artists, maybe?). As always you can check out all Kens other quality 35 Northern Connections and more via his 'activity' profile page, via the link below... https://www.soul-source.co.uk/profile/37754-kenb/content/?type=cms_records5&change_section=1
  14. Northern Soul Connections #36 - Latest Issue from Kenb Tap below... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  15. "My" Gold Dust records is Dickie Lee's & Stan Keslers label. My mistake nay have been citing Stan as Memphian. see 45cat below
  16. Tim, on the basis of probability i'll go with that. (a Memphian link with both Sam, etc and Stan Kesler's Gold Dust) although Sam and the Shamettes were still 'gigging' their "Revue" as late as August 1968, at least.
  17. yes, i can vouch for your very good dancing
  18. there is a connection with Curtis. He leased Smoke Ring from Gold Dust. But that's another story.
  19. i've never been so sure it is the same girls. Dickie Lee and Stan Keslers Gold Dust label was very obscure so i wonder why they released on it if they were 'Sam's Shamettes/Shametts.' There was a 1968 (also) high school girl group up in Bedford, Indiana, who took part in Battle of the Bands with the likes of the Dictators of Sound and Souls of Sound.
  20. Mick, there's not much between us then in age or road travelled ( not a doorman or MC thouugh). My sisters tales as a Wheelite used to thrill me ( she was 6 yrs older than me, RIP) and that's where my interest started. yup, it's just opinion. have a good weekend best ken (aka Billy)
  21. this is the definition i use... Cultural appropriation takes place when members of a majority group adopt cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical way. To fully understand its consequences, though, we need to make sure we have a working definition of culture itself.
  22. well i'm 70...so just how much older than me are you? i was 10 in 1963.
  23. It's a reasonable point you make. And i guess it comes down to personal opinion about what 'one' feels is or is not cultural appropriation. I would say all of the elements you mention above depend on context. As an individual i think 'worthy' as you put it, is a good judgement call to make ( for me at any rate).

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