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Everything posted by Kenb

  1. when you say 'got in', was it legit?
  2. is there anybody (obviously attendees', and not special queue occurences,in the sincerest sense, still alive) who went to a Casino allnighter who has any recollections of the 'lastest time' you ( he, she) got in (legit).
  3. IF...(i'm not 100% sure), Penny Lewis and James Aaron were in the TKO's, then i do believe Penny went on to become a Realtor, and James did lead vocals with Sonny Lewis & the Movement at a lunchtime Soul and Blues Festival In the Park ( Concourse, Golden Gate Park) in 1971.
  4. doesn't 'up north' depend on your geographical starting point...unless perhaps your starting point is the outer hebrides?,then maybe up north is the Artic. I guess 'up north' to me (a woolly back Manc) is anywhere past Preston ( east & west).
  5. You are right of course. But Cultural appropriation is everywhere, and NS is the newsest incarnation of it. Happy to hear you keep calling it out.
  6. this is the most likely answer... https://www.45cat.com/record/nc638603uk
  7. merry xmas & forthcoming happy new year to you and the team Mike.
  8. last time he had it on the site ( can't remember exactly when, but there was a SS thread) it was £850. with exactly the same description
  9. bread sauce...just wouldn't taste the same with Swan. I'll give it a miss this year.
  10. Someone will be telling me next they put red ( tomato) sauce on bacon butties, instead of brown sauce of course.
  11. assuming Mel Williams is Melvin Williams, as opposed to their being two Mel(vin) Williams, then he could also be the co-owner of Musette Records. you can find more here https://www.soulfulkindamusic.net/musettearticle.htm
  12. i fear i'm 1 of 1 here ... Carstairs
  13. custom recording co inc was also Schafer's ( prexy). I think Chester & Charles defence against piracy was some 'loop hole' about state law versus fed law jurisdictions on recordings made after Feb 1972. Custom recording co inc, manfuctured 8 track tapes principally.
  14. cheers everyone who joined in. Sherlock advises me that a wild ass guess based on 56 replies with a few multiples & a couple of dupes, so say 80 in total.
  15. now you've got it! why not post up the part of you avitar soul source name, that has an animal...and you can claim it as yours personally
  16. realized i have a least 6 x 45's depicting different animals on each of the labels. How many are there? 1. Pelican 2. go on...it's nearly xams.
  17. I bet any Gen X or Millennials reading this topic would laugh. Pills to keep you awake and “up” to carry on dancing until 8. Hardly gonna worry Columbia drug lords, even though the 60’s/70’s UK DS would have had “the public” believe so.
  18. I don't know anything about the records obscurity, but there's quite bit known about Black Jack.
  19. Now at #35 in the long running informative 'Northern Connections' series by @Kenb. Northern Connections # 35 - Child Of Friendship, Train Robbers The eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted two different addresses on the 2 versions of Natural Records 1516. 1516 25th Ave versus 1510 16th St. The latter being a small room and the location for Black Unity, Inc-at least from 1971 to 1974. Black Unity, Inc was incorporated in 1967 and was essentially founded to raise the political consciousness of black people through education. Whether this 'room' at 1510 16th St was vacated before the (apparent) release date and therefore has nothing to do with Black Unity, Inc. - OR - whether the release date is inaccurate (perhaps earlier than 1976) and it does have a Black Unity, Inc connection? I don't know. You can check out all Kens other quality 34 Northern Connections and more via his 'activity' profile page, via the link below... https://www.soul-source.co.uk/profile/37754-kenb/content/?type=cms_records5&change_section=1

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