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Posts posted by Kenb

  1. After 3 years out and about, I ‘found’ my dance moves in 1972. I was 19 yrs old. Once a dancer- always a dancer. But no talc here.

    I still dance the same today, and go out about twice a month… albeit these days I’m a little less energetic and take more breaks between records. I can manage about 1 in 3 records so I’m more selective about what I get onto the floor for. And yes, and even now, some records just pull me onto the floor no matter how knackered I am.

    As a re-tread, who ‘came back’ in 2011, I still think I can guess some of the venues that influenced the dance styles of the folks I see on the floor.

    All-in-all, I love to see folks out on the floor, no matter what.

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