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Everything posted by Kenb

  1. I'll see your one ...and raise you two.
  2. Hi, Ben got back to me via PM, and he's OK that i share that with SS.
  3. I wasn't a member of SS the first time this topic came around... so i know it's an old topic recently resurrected by Paul. I can't explain what Northern Soul is - but for me -You know it's Northern Soul when... When you wait eagerly to greet the postman to deliver the import record you won on bid. Because you don’t want him to drop it through the letterbox in case he damages it. When you’re in a supermarket or elevator and ‘a tune’ comes on -and you look around to see who else ‘gets it’ - and you spot someone who has, and you both smile. When you go to a N.S. venue and you are on your own – but you are not lonely. When you hear a stranger say to you... “you into Northern Soul then” - and you just want to run away.Or When someone you don’t know starts talking about Frank Wilson “DILYIID”. When it makes you cringe when someone says “yeah Northern Soul, 4 beats to the bar,repeated”. When it doesn’t have to be a way of life – but it’s OK if it is your way of life. When you know the difference between SKF’s and KFC...but these days you’d sooner have the latter. When your partner says “so you’ve not bought another record, have you”? When every pub that advertises a “Northern Soul" night AND also advertises it along with an accompanying Motown night is to be avoided. And you have to be restrained from having a word with the licensee. When you listen to “that record” and you’re fighting back the tears of emotion. Or “that record” comes on and you just have to dash to dance (if it’s a dance floor – so much the better). When you’re asked to describe a NS record -and you can’t- but you just know when you’ve heard one...even if it’s for the first time.
  4. Northern Connections #16 Benjamin and the... There’s been many a thread about the ‘survival’ of the NS scene on SS. 'A youth culture left in the hands of old men' to name just one. Well... if these guys have anything to do with it, it will flourish. (This sentiment also extends to the likes of Secret Stash, Hayley Records, Diggin’ Deep, Timmion, and others who are making ‘new’ N.S. music ). Ben Pirani “It’s Understanding” b side. Wouldn’t have been out of place had it been spun at a 1970’s Mecca night. Note : I did leave messages for Ben Pirani at Soul Source and Bandcamp – but hey he’s a busy guy, right? added by site to accompany the above....
  5. There’s been many a thread about the ‘survival’ of the NS scene on SS. 'A youth culture left in the hands of old men' to name just one. Well... if these guys have anything to do with it, it will... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  6. I know it doesn’t help find the record, and I guess you might know all of this already...but ...when i researching Northern Connections #4 (soul source article March 21, 2017) my conclusion was The Ster-phonics and The Sterophonics was one in the same. And that Charles Stokes ex wife Connie(?), + Marlen (?) and Charlette(?) made up the group.
  7. I was recently in conversaion when i said "i'd seen a boot-of-a-boot for a higher price than the boot (but not the original)". If you get my drift. I now wonder if i dreamt it?- and there are any boots-of-boots! besides which, what is the highest priced boot anyway? if indeed there is such an animal?
  8. Have a look at Northern Connections #7. June 2017.in soul source articles. Don’t know if it answers your question.. but if you are a La Reine fan then it should at least be of interest
  9. Dedwax. Get yourself a good (magnifyer) eyeglass (with a backlight). Check the run-out's and matrix against good sources. Make notes of what you buy/have. https://playlists.christmachine.com/cutting-vinyl/dead-wax-deadwax-list-full-length-continued-from-main-day-page/ https://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/deadwax-inscription-ids-needed.120633/ good luck Ken
  10. I thought as much...otherwise Steve S would have been all over it.
  11. Is that women (with the toddler in the picture)sprinkling talc?
  12. i knew i had it somewhere...Royton 1973 before WC had even opened for its 1st nighter. (off topic a bit i know). This was my 3rd Scooter. The 1st was an LI 150 which got nicked from West Wythenshawe C of F.E. My second, like the one below but with all the trimmings was an SX200-pride and joy. This one was really only practicle.
  13. I worked in Royton for 18 months - 2 years. around '74-'75. Opposte Roy Mill. Did a final colleage year at Oldham tech. No help i know...but never heard of them
  14. Valerie was one of the backing singers on Bunny Sigler's "Let The Good Times Roll"
  15. a sad day if it goes. When you think IL had the Elgins, Kim Weston, The Andantes, ++, booked into those studios for his 'project' - credit.
  16. Like Pete said-we've visited this topic many times. I can only say...i play anything at home OV and the rest, rather sadly though (i suspect)...if people come to the house and ask me put my records on, then i can't even bring myself to play anything that isn't OV.
  17. I agree with much of what you say, but Your Line above -Now, here we are in 2018, almost fifty years later, and every Tom, Dick and Harry, weighed down with a baby boomer inheritance and a final salary pension, can afford to spend thirty grand on a box of seven inch goodies, and call himself a DJ at any one of a gazillion events which are on every night of the week. It's not the same as it was. Completely different set of circumstances entirely...But this... Also applies to every Tom, Dick and Harry spending peanuts on (boot) seven inch goodies, etc etc. and then the music becomes proliferated (to my mind in an undesirable way) by wannabe DJ's. NB. i'm not and never have been a DJ myself.
  18. I think (unless i've missed the point in your response Joey) it's slightly different to own the record (carry it maybe, or not) and play out the 'sub'. As opposed to not owning the OV at all, and playing out the 'sub'. Personally...i don't want to go to where there is no DJ investment in the OV.
  19. Hi PodDoom page 5 B&S No15 Dec 1968. atb ken
  20. thanks-yeah got that. maths not my strong point. It's what happens ( to me anyway) when you're a dodding 'ol bugger.
  21. What’s on my mind is this: in not so many years from now anyone that went to WC 1973 (say as a 15 yrs old) will be less and less in terms of first hand. (i think...maths is not my big point). I can’t believe i’m calling it a journey... but for me, my journey is a personal thing. I don’t feel the need to talk about it a lot, like badges/credentials at an interview (that would have been so funny back then, what could we have possibly compared it to). You did it and got it, or you didn’t. No hugs and kisses. That doesn’t mean i’m anti anyone who sprinkles their post with reminisce’s. Big regret- i never saw Stafford, etc. -but love just about everything that came out. My cuppa tea. Bearing in mind the OP ‘a youth culture left in the hands of old men’ - which old men will this be left to, by then? Yes, hopefully, the likes of Jordan, etc, - and NS will be in safe hands. Rather than those that seek to re-engineer or re-define the cultural history. P.S. i instigated a private message with mod BBAML, so our previous on this is sorted.

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