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Everything posted by Kenb

  1. i was wondering if anybody had any stories/recollections of the Magic Roundabout (not the TV prog)? Colin?
  2. happy birthday Keith. I have a Wigan Casino poster (on original print paper) with your name misspelled as MINSHELL. Andrew Love also has one in a different colour...and bizarre as it seems your name is also misspelled again, but as MARSHALL. Mine hangs in a frame on the landing and most mornings i nod and say hello.
  3. there was also 'The Sterling Ball' - a memorial fund to the late Miss Loucye, to provide 4 yr scholarships to Wayne U. fund-raising took place at Gordy Manor and raised $25,000. dancing and entertainment by Marvin Gaye
  4. so sorry it's taken 14 years....Proud As Punch In May 1970, Chip Hawkins, Larry Carter, Nickie Parker, Lewis Blackledge, H.J. Chustz, Al Carlow, and Mark Simon were members of the New Substantial Evidence Show Band (but not signed or recorded). They were one of the six finalists of the Tea Council of the U.S.A. Big Search for a New Sound, and the lineup of judges included, Al Bell of Stax Records. They were obviously signed & recorded by Stax (with a name change) and produced by Don Nix for there outing with ‘If You Look Into My Eyes’ (James T. Tierce-[Ted Tierce]) / ’So Easy To See’(Nickie Parker, Robert Mark Simon) -Stax STA-0081 Sept 1970. It was probably one of Don Nix’s first producer assignments becuase he signed with Stax/Volt in Oct 1970.
  5. oooh yes- can't wait -i'm pleased you're able to publish this labour of love. I'll be down for a copy best ken
  6. philharmonics- 'I need, I need your love' (the opening few bars are always going around in my head)
  7. now that is heartbreaking news. RIP.
  8. there was an area from 11th Street to Sharpsburg along the Allhegeny River that had lots of Steel Mills/plants, that mainly just faded away in the 60's. They called it Steel Mill Row. for the purposes of your book i would follow this line of enquiry. [I only know because i did P.A. music research for a different project]. hope it helps
  9. Rick, It's (Mine) an Li 150. Blow me...i never knew they did an SX 150? My SX 200 ( the first of 2) has already been on here 9 this thread), but here it is again.
  10. rummaging through some boxes. 1st Scooter 1969. The day i picked it up (2nd hand)...the only gear i had to wear
  11. not just that...but how did 'I Miss My Baby' get to 'Bari Track'? I'm sure there is a thread on here on somewhere, but can't find it.
  12. Texas - a big state but a small world - In April 2020 my interest was piqued when a I saw 2 mysterious Chicano records on 2 different web sites of respected...
  13. Texas - a big state but a small world - In April 2020 my interest was piqued when a I saw 2 mysterious Chicano records on 2 different web sites of respected sellers... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  14. I must have been mistaken. i could have sworn your post said Schwaid and then a discos link to Samar. i’ll put more water with my whiskey.
  15. I'm not one for having my photo taken at events, but Sue was an exception from time to time. I'm sad, and send my condolences to her family & friends.
  16. @Kegsy you said "Oddly enough the co owner of Samar records was called Bob Schwaid who also has some interesting musical connections. https://www.discogs.com/artist/743878-Bob-Schwaid @Kenb - 1. I'm unconvinced Bob Schwaid was the (or a) owner of Samar. ( i don't know who put it up on Discogs, but i am happy to be told differently). Schwaid was personal manager (The Independents, co-owner of WWAM Management), a music publisher ( MCA-Rollers with Reggie Lavong), record plugger, retailer and distie, and concert promoter ( @ Monmouth Arts Center NJ (now Count Basie Theater)...Jackie Wilson, Tommy James and the Shondells etc), record producer (Warner Brothers: he took Jackie Lomax of The Undertakers from Wallasey UK and did 'Home Is In My Head') and prexy of Thruppence ltd. Nowhere have i seen Bob as a Label owner. @Kegsy you said "The thing is the Icemen's Samar stuff was done with Johnny Brantley, George Kerr (Tra San) wasn't involved until Ole 9, the other ole 9 release tells us nothing" @Kenb-2. I'm told by a contact in the US that both Tri-San Productions (not Tri-San Records Label) and Marti Records were co-owned by Fred 'Rockin Robin' Robinson. So i assume George Kerr was the other co-owner. Fred Robinson was a serial 'moonlighter'.( e.g.Roc-Ker records) @Kenb- 3. Have you considered Lenny Lewis as being the son of Stan Lewis, Su-Ma, Paula, etc), and not Lenny Lewis Don't give up...follow the crumbs
  17. Hi Kegsy yes i have the book. and i did check it when the topic first arose. there are 2 mentions. a few lines on each. one in relation to 'doin the crackerjack'(Marti 403)-the group 'Changes' 1974. and one in relation to group 'Dudes & Dolls' as producer (Marti 401) released at Blue Seas Inc. (not in the book...but i think Blue Seas had something to do with Burt Bacharac/Hal David). BTW: unsurprising Marty is Martin. One other thing i can tell you; Marty had two other sides i've not seen mentioned anywhere ( that i can remember anyway). 1961: 'We Were Just Friends' & 'Sarah'. I guess to be released...but never was? always assumed 'Sarah' was something of a nod to Sarah Cantine (daughter?)
  18. @Kegsy -wrote The people involved with the Samar recordings are like a, small selection, who’s who of the very best writers/producers/arrangers that ever entered a recording studio and some went on to be huge names in the music business. Poindexters, Richard Tee, Eddie Singleton, Bert Decoteaux, Bert Keyes, Clyde Otis. Now we all know the amount of recordings made by those guys is colossal, but how about the lesser known names. kenb reply - Clyde Otis owned Argon and Eden Music. Argon Productions signed an independent production pact with Samar Records. 1966.
  19. abridged part of an article i wrote/posted in SS: Black Panthers, The Lumpen, and Marvin Gaye As an inmate, Ike White was heading a committee which booked outside entertainment to play at San Quentin prison. In 1971 he helped organise “Soul [Consciousness] Day” (which became renamed as Malcolm X Day at San Quentin”). Curtis Mayfield, Muhammad Ali, War, Jimmy Witherspoon and Eric Burden were invited[1] [2]. It was a day-long event organised by the prisoners’ organisation, with the help of the newly formed San Quentin Prison Chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP). There is a further account that Curtis Mayfield was actually the headliner. What the prison authorities were unaware of was the supporting band was none other than The Lumpen and their band the Freedom Messengers[3].
  20. hi, 'can i change my mind' Dakar NFS promo, if anyone has one for sale, please? thanks Ken
  21. is it that Lenny Lewis...( as opposed to Lennie Lewis) i'm not so sure?
  22. always loved this...gonna play it now. RIP. If you play this on a pair of headphones, and take out the right ear plug, you can just here the instrumental in the left ear plug.
  23. Springers on Ves-Thad 423, not Vest.
  24. I think you can discount 'mar' of Flomar being anything to do with Marty Cantine. I think the 'mar' may have been Jo Armstead (involvement) arm-reversed to mar...but a bit of a wild ass guess on my part. However, Jo, Ed Silvers, Ashord & Simpson and Florence were the only stakeholders
  25. Hi kegsy what (who)are you trying find? i can probably help if it’s The Tangiers who played with the Jetsons band...who went on to the Tan Geers and the Tangeers best ken

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