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Posts posted by Kenb

  1. 48 minutes ago, Sooty said:

    Weddings....are fantastic Chalky...keeps your DJ skills on the ball i'd say!x I use them occasions to PROMOTE our scene. Yes I take the obvious tunes but I slip in several tunes in my quiz....Richard Berry Have Love will travel...Rubin -You've been away....and current tunes featuring on adverts....drip feeding the vibe. How do folk who don't know about the scene get into it if they don't hear the music? I've always been looking for opportunity to include and share the joy we all have. That's a wedding to me. 'Div' venues.......who are the'us'that uses such vernacular for fellow Soulies??? I don't use that as it sounds condescending as in my book that covers most Soul Nights in the UK today....part timers possibly come back on the scene in the last 20-25 years?? Sad to hear they are of no interest to you or others like you. Equally If I DJ at a so called 'div' night then again I put tracks in there among the obvious to enlighten...surprise...educate and make happy. You're sounding like the scene was back in the 90's grumpy old soulies looking to keep it to yourselves spinning labels to each other. These so called 'DJ's' you reckon are out there need to come out of their shells then Chalky as i ain't seen many that can...on the Northern scene. Blinkered one trick ponys is my experience...of many. I surrounded myself with similar folk to me...and that is what the punters wanted...entertainers. JOB DONE. The 'Div' reference sadly sounds like divisionilism...instead of divine followers. They are going to a function to be entertained...sad if the so called echelons' of the scene don't consider them teachable....or keen to learn....and sadly inferior for some reason. I find they are keen to progress. I've got 11,000 kids to entertain next week at Lincolnshire Showground. I bet I get 15-20 Northern tracks away during the week. 9-16 year olds. I was in Borstal at 16....many were bunking off to Wigan. Why do you think the kids of these days wouldn't be inspired....by our music...with the right DJ sharing it? Just like 'divs'. I am optimistic and  look to generate new followers. If we followed your suggestions then the scene will be dead in about 15-20 years time as all the 'original' Wigan/Torch hard core old school folk will be gone. It's not your 'secret' for  you and ure buddies to take to the grave mate....I suggest!X It's the longest running underground Dance scene in THE WORLD. I'm proud of that....and don't consider anyone a 'div' for liking the music and supporting the scene in any capacity. But that's why i'm loved...by the majority....I reckon!x Those few haters....have never ever ever dared come out of their dark corners to say it to my face....can't...and won't....so I carry on!!x I will have this as the theme tune for the 11,000 kids....and you see what happens after 5 days of them learning it...a spin I had to kick off with at venues Nationwide through the 90's...the punters insisted. I'll get the kids to clap to it as we do....and make them learn the lyrics....i'm motivated....THANK YOU X




    Sooty,It seems the surrealism of your posts into the topic “Is this really the state of our scene” has jumped (shape shifted) to this thread too.

    • Up vote 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Soul Shrews said:

    I'd also like some more info, condition etc than just an artists list and price.

    I may have misunderstood you… if so sorry. Tim always describes his auction items really well and you can make a bid if you wish. You can’t expect him to repeat that once the items are sold. Surely the buy price and artist is all that’s needed.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Gilly said:

    I've been attending soul nights since 1970 and all nighters since 73 and apart from cov 19 I've always gone, and I mean regular. I try to surport local events and travelling far and wide has never been a problem.

    More recently I went to a local soul night and the woman on the door said ''its northern soul you know'' I'm thinking well this is a good start I'm at the correct venue at least, I thought about that comment and the only explanation I could come up with is that because I don't (and never have) dressed in a silly hat, baggy trousers and patches all about I may have looked odd one out.

    I give this same venue another visit (its proper rammed) same lady ''have you booked?'' booked I'm thinking, I've never booked ever for a soul night, weekenders yes. ''No I havn't'' I replied. ''well you can't come in then'' luckily (I think) someone taking the money knew me and I was allowed in.

    As the night progressed I felt a bit uneasy, twice now I'm trying to put money in their till, and to me I have a sense of rejection. Not like me to be off on one but later in the evening I asked the lady if she read books, ''yes i do'' I went to my car brought a book that I had written, and gave it to her adding a few words ''well read this so when/if I return next time you may have a better understanding of me.

    I didn't enjoy in taking that stance and this event is coming up again soon, will I go, maybe not.!


    'I Searched for Soul and Found the Stars'

    i love that Richard👍

  4. 2 hours ago, Owd Codger said:

    I think early days they had the band on one track...singer on the other. But they may not have retained these after the mixing and cutting.

    At some stage, the various tracks were retained, and increased technology meant that the various elements of the band could be separated onto different channels...as were vocals, lead backup etc 

    i think that's what happened here....

    17 hours ago, Kenb said:

    I've posted this before...Listen with both earbuds/headphone and then Take Right Earbud/headphone out. You go from Vocal to non vocal. The nearest thing to 'an instrumental/backing track(so to speak) on the same side as the vocal'



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  5. 14 hours ago, Chalky said:

    The kind of venues I attend aren’t usually one where divs frequent. Word of mouth is amongst those I know and trust with a similar outlook to me. 

    I find myself (annoyingly 😀) agreeing again. But...that can be like the conversations at the Cathedral ( & other places) before Tony Palmer's film. Yester-year's social media...word of mouth.

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  6. 8 hours ago, Chalky said:

    It is generally word of mouth that persuades me to go anywhere.  I rarely believe some of the hype promoted today. 

    I agree...BUT when (and sometimes it happens) does word of mouth exceed its usefulness and civilians start turning up with Iphones and Shazam in the air? - and it kills anotherwise top venue.

  7. 3 hours ago, The Yank said:

                    I won't be able to post the results for June 29th but, may be able to post the July 6th info.

    As much as “I love you & Zanetti” quite glad to get a break from the usual aftermath of the latest auction. Oh dear…did I say that out loud?😢

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Source said:

    could the 'ballast' remarks have come about if ships were faced with sailing across the Atlantic  with not much cargo, and then rather than then having to use water ballast, they instead loaded up with not very valuable cargo eg vinyl records, us comic books, and so on in the cargo holds, that normally wouldn't be worth transporting across?



    that is certainly true of Ponographic books. They were rolled up as ballast.

  9. Guitar Ray (Shagg 711) - £2,525
    The Parliaments (Cabell 115) - £3,600 
    Vince Dena (Sundi 319 dj) - £225
    Lou Ragland (Amy 988) - £1,180
    James D. Hall (J.D.H. 1001) - No bids
    Tobi Legend (Mala 591 dj) - £760
    The Ambassadors (Pee Vee 1000) - £595 
    The Crystals (United Artists 994 dj) - £525
    Infinity (Whitehorse 052) - £250
    The Constellations (Gemini Star 30,005) - £310 
    Eddie Gray (Vim 526 dj) - £285
    Sheila Anthony (Buttercup 007 dj) - £350 
    Lasawn Collins (Sincere 1003) - £200
    Royal (Texas Slim) Bell (Dal-Segno 4002) - £775
    Dena Barnes (Inferno 2002 dj) - £805
    The Specials (Satch 512) - £250
    Family Underground (Power Funksion 10005) - £350
    Nolan Chance (Constellation 161) - £650
    The Cream Soda (Woodstock 101) - £200
    Jackie Beavers (Nation 21765) - £150

    • Up vote 2
  10. JM's Tami Lynn auction EP sparked a recollection that might interest some of you.

    In Joel Selvin's book "Here Comes The Night" the discography of the A & R recordings Oct 30, 1964 lists 'You My Love' (aka 'Run Away') as one of the unissued 4 part recordings. (was it Keb who covered it up, i can' remember?). Anyhow...Joel also goes on to say [sic]"six years after the release of 'I'm Gonna Run Away From You', John Abbey gave Bern's production a slight revision and the record went Top 5 in the UK in 1971.

    Joel also goes on to say [sic] "the stereo version of IGRAFY on Cotillion 1972  LP9052, has her second vocal and male backgroung missing and instead has 3 members of The Angels overdubbed in NY on Feb 10th, 1965.

  11. On 03/06/2022 at 17:44, Godzilla said:


    It doesn't matter.

    If you're bootlegging/counterfeiting then you are depriving the rights owner of revenue. If you sell a boot second hand it's not really different to selling an original second hand. The rights owner makes zilch in either case.

    In terms of what encourages bootleggers, I'd suggest that it's people buying them new from source, rather than paying large amounts for historical boots. 

    forgive me...but the phrase "selling a boot second hand" seems wierd!. Passing a boot on maybe fits better don't you think?

  12. 2 hours ago, Chalky said:

    How can you compare a listing error to the selling of (historic) 40/50 year old bootlegs? Non one condemned John for selling a boot at all, they simply discussed the fact it was wrongly listed, one or two went to dar and I did defend John in that respect.

     If I'd sold it as original then rightly have a go at me but I didn't, it was sold as a non-original item, the person who bought it knew 100% what he was buying and was happy.  I don't agree with bootlegging, I do not go out of my way to buy them but I'd be f*cked if I'm gonna put them in the bin to keep you happy.  Selling a historic boot/counterfeit is a million miles away from the counterfeiting and carver to order production line you see on eBay today.  

    i don't see a difference, and nobody has to keep me happy. everyone has an opinion and a choice.

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  13. 17 hours ago, Chalky said:

    They are historic for want of a better word boots.  I do not buy boots from bootleggers to sell on.  It along with a few others came in an acquired collection, what should I do bin it?  Some others I have were acquired when I knew no better many many years ago.  Advertised clearly at the time as not an original with a low start price.  There is still a small pile upstairs to sell.

    there was a mad rush on here to condemn John Manship for what was his non-deliberate 'school boy error' concerning a boot on his site. Then it seems people on here are condoning (or at the very least have a laissez faire attitude) to the sale of boot's. I think that is disengenous. What you do with with yours is entirely up to you. 

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  14. 43 minutes ago, Chalky said:

    No I said I sold a boot of Salvador's, the one that looks very similar to the original, colour text etc for 200 quid.  I think this is the blue on e though so not the same.  Neither do I recall anyone mentioning carvers?  We are talking bootlegs, 70s specifically, or was when I replied.

    My post about getting one made for £30 was I in reply to Stephen who for some silly reason paid £100 for an acetate bootleg and I simply asked why when you can get one made for less than half that price.

    I'm not up on the terminolgy...but i think you are saying you sold or sell bootlegs. If so that surprises me.

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