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Everything posted by Monny1916

  1. This is such a good club, hopefully can make it
  2. May have a gander at this
  3. Certainly hope I'm feeling good enough to go
  4. Well we're do I start , having not been too well for the past few weeks my friend asked if we were going out this weekend, being the driver it falls on my shoulders, feeling considerably better I decided to text to see if any tickets were available for collection on the door , a young lady assured me 2 tickets would be available on the door, sorted 75 miles later arrived at the back of 2 , hearing the tunes as we walked in the building was unbelievable, no warm up DJs but full on quality northern, this is probably the most diverse, friendly, uncomplicated, dayer I've ever attended, 5 clubs, 10 DJs , all excellent , pure harmony , regards Stephen
  5. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, how good this club is, even the resident DJs could be top guests at most clubs , here's to another 14 years , Stephen
  6. Will there be 2 guests on the 26 th , ? or is Rob replacing Sean ,? cheers Stephen
  7. Just read Carl is a resident now, not complaining, so will Hammie become a Guest, in the future ?
  8. Good luck in your new venue, already made plans, staying local this weekend, but hopefully visit in the not too distant, future, God bless,, Monny
  9. I've attached it to my diary, so God willing, it's a definite
  10. What a fantastic night, it's unbelievable this is the same hall as all those years ago , the floor was in pristine condition, just right for my 40 year old leather shoes,, then why oh why do people continually put talc around the periphery that makes the floor unbelievable slippy and dangerous, maybe old habits, not sure, but baring in mind we are an average age of mid 60 + maybe a bit more consideration is required, or 40 year old leather shoes, or it could be the death knell for this wonderful occasion that has taken other great venues in the past , sorry for the rant , a passionate dancer, Monny
  11. Not been here for a while, so I think I may pay a visit, always enjoyed it, proper northern soul
  12. One of the best niters ever , back in the day , Monny
  13. Back in the early 70s the Wirrina was such a magical place , how times have changed, it seemed as if it took us forever to get there and now I can drive there in 40 minutes, even quicker if Christine is not in the car , looking forward to Saturday
  14. So sorry to hear that Steve , great club, great people, great al round
  15. I've heard Martin Edwards on a few occasions, always impressed
  16. As long as you bring Damon Fox ,
  17. Hi guys , event information says 19.00 , flyer says 20.00 , could you point me to the correct one please, cheers Stephen
  18. They were pretty much all ott , apart from the ones who would rather do the finger up the bum after a strip search
  19. After so many years doing niters , the wife and I decided enough was enough and decided to do soul nights , no fancy clothing or badges just the anticipation of a good night so nights were picked, entrance fee paid , the little stare , not a wink or handshake, then all eyes apon , a change of shoes, then hit the floor , the transition is amazing people want to shake your hand ask your name enquire where your from , Why ? You didn't care half hour ago
  20. Didn't think you were old enough, first DS in Britain was Northamptonshire, but nice post
  21. Don't forget some DJs / promoters have also changed, it's not always about the music , but the dollar
  22. Last night myself and wife attended,for the first time Parkway social club , Peterborough, northern soul & Motown , from the moment we walked in you could tell it was a well run friendly club , knowledgeable DJs , knowledgeable crowd , full floor practically all night , buster & eaddie , Billy Davis last 2 tunes great night regards Stephen
  23. This looks like a possibility, if they play Turley Richards, then more like a probability,, Stephen
  24. What is late ??

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