Our first event of the year, with our residents Chris and Jayne supported by our guests for the night Kev Smith and Tony Fitzgibbon from Dawley Legion
Nice floor, great bar and loads of parking .... Soul music across the board
Hope to see you there
Our next event is our annual Charity Event this year we will be raising funds for MND charities.
As many of you know our good friend and fellow soulie Falcon Tonks has recently been diagnosed with this awful disease.
Both Falcon and his lovely wife Lynda Tonks are facing this with their usual bravery and humour.
Please come along if you can, bring a prize for the raffle or just come and have a dance.
It's all for a fabulous cause !
Guest djs are Stew Pitt and Soultime Steve, and of course our residents Chris Evs and Jayne Greenwood
Nice floor, good bar, plenty of parking and me and Sue Wibberley Williams on the door what more could you ask for
£5 OTD
Hopefully see you there
Resident Dj's Chris Evs & Jayne Greenwood
with Guests
Lynn Jones and Brian Taylor
Friday 9th August 2024
7.30pm till 12.30am
£5 on the door
Telford Soul on Sunday / TGI Friday Soul Sessions FB
Resident Dj's Chris Evs & Jayne Greenwood
with Guests
Barbara Biddulph and Lynda Tonks
Friday 21st June 2024
7.30pm till 12.30am
£5 on the door
Telford Soul on Sunday / TGI Friday Soul Sessions FB
Resident Dj's Chris Evs & Jayne Greenwood
with Guests
Kev Smith and Allan Bailey (Bale)
Friday 16th February 2024
7.30pm till 12.30am
£5 on the door
Telford Soul on Sunday / TGI Friday Soul Sessions FB
Our first event of the year, playing across the board Northern.
Large car park, nice floor, great bar and lots of friendly faces
Annual Christmas Soul Night
Lots of friendly faces, good music, nice floor and good bar prices.
Ticket only event find us on Facebook
or email to
cje219@gmail.com for more info
Telford Soul on Sunday brings you our Summer Special
4 till 9 playing music across the board
Friendly club with a good bar
All welcome !
Afternoon Soultime for everyone
Kicking off our new look with our first Friday Soul event of 2020, gracing our decks we have Barbara Biddulph Falcon Tonks and Antony Lomas {Kiddo) and as always our resident duo Jayne Greenwood and Chris Evs.
You can look forward to listening across the board soul music with the usual fun oldies set at the end of the evening.
£4 OTD gets you on the floor 7PM till Midnight
Hope to see you there