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Janet Watmough

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Everything posted by Janet Watmough

  1. My beautiful friend Pete who I first met way back in 1973. He was my rock and was always there for me as a young 17 year old. Over the years we lost touch then in the 90s at Cala Gran we Met up again, we chatted for hours it was like we had never lost touch. A few years went by yet again. Then we were at a very good friend Jaqui Bicknells house celebrating her 50th birthday and who was there in the kitchen Pete and Dave who I met for the first time and right away Dave I loved you as I did Pete. I am absolutely heart for you. Two beautiful Souls together. Hold onto your previous memories Dave as I will. I know it’s going to be hard. I am always here for you Dave has I know lots of friends will be. RIP Pete gone but you will never be forgotten. Going to miss you my beautiful friend. God bless and much love Janet and Derek xxx
  2. Such sad news yet again in these horrible strange times. Known Sue many years, the other day was looking through our Silver wedding photos way back in 2001 and there she is with her beautiful smile which she always had even towards the end of the terrible MND she had. Sue was very brave and carried on dancing and taking photos to the very end, leaving us special memories, now at peace Sue!! gone but will never be forgotten. Dance a hole in the world Sue like you did on the dance floor. Thinking of Pete and the boys and all the rest of the family at this sad time. God bless RIP Sue and thank you for the memories. Love from Janet and Derek xxx
  3. Really going to miss the Cleethorpes weekenders. They hold special memories, Hopefully someone will take it over !! But you still have to be there Ady albeit a punter, won't be the same without you !! See you in June X

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