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Everything posted by DJCog

  1. Hiya, Do you still have Etta James for sale?,if so,how do I go about buying, not done so on this site before....I don't even know if you'll get this message!.. I'm from Widnes btw,so I could pick up,thanks Cog.
  2. I was so very shocked and saddened when Steve Studge told me the news about Steven,I'd had no idea that he was ill. I first met him as a 16 year old at The Torch,but only got to know him well at The Casino,after he had moved up to Haydock to be with Julie. Always good company and a friend to be relied on in any situation. We spent a lot of time together at Newton Cricket Club modern nights and Morecambe Pier nighters,I was constantly amazed at what he knew and who he knew on the scene. He left Haydock and went back to Wolves,times changed and we lost touch,then,while working in Wolverhampton, he walked past me in The West End Club,we spoke hugged and then he said" I can sort some gear out for the weekend, fancy it?". We met quite a lot while I was there,had a great time and I will never forget him RIP Smokey, so long pal, COG

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