"At one point, I even tried to locate Lorraine," says Vince Peach, a radio dj and collector in Melbourne, Australia who discovered Rudolph while searching for records connected with Huey Meaux, a legendary Texas producer. But to most collectors, Rudolph's trail stopped in the early 1970s, when she toured with The Spinners as a replacement for Dionne Warwick.
Rudolph doesn't know whether to be bitter that her records are selling for money or thrilled that she's discovered fans she never conceived existed. Both emotions come over her in waves. "What can I do to get a piece of this?" she says one minute, then, just a few seconds later, "I guess I am 'in demand' now, huh?"
Her big, round eyes fill and she's very quiet. And then: "I always did think I should be in demand.":(