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Stephen Willox

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Everything posted by Stephen Willox

  1. Original vinyl only
  2. Stephen Willox

    Northern Soul Event

  4. Northern Soulnight- DJs Colin Strachan & Steve Willox
  5. Northern Soul night - Original Vinyl only . Our Guest this month is James Mcallister ( Perth Soul Club ) Residents Colin Strachan and Steve Willox .
  6. Disco Soul and Motown night , Steve willox - Guests Tom Yule / Steve Aggasild. This event is Sold out .
  7. Aberdeen Northern Soul Club , on tour in Moray Scotland. Our second event at the Hopeman Memorial Hall . Iv305sl. Guests Stuart Hutchinson ( England) Baz Foster ( Ireland) Residents Steve Willox & Colin Strachan . Playing Original Vinyl only . Tickets only event . Only 13 Tickets left .
  8. Aberdeen Northern Soul club at the Holburn Duthie Suite 225 Holburn street. Guest Baz Foster ( Glasgow) . Original Vinyl only Event. 8pm - 1am. £5 on the Door . Steve Willox & Colin Strachan.
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    Tickets onsale from the Aberdeen Beachballroom Box office . This event is on . No Retrictions on the weekend. Going a head as Normal.
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    Yes this Weekend is definitely on . You can purchase a Ticket from myself or the the Beachballroom Boxoffice. My email is stephenwillox45 @ gmail.com.
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    Ok Allan
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    Ok Ok
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    Hi Allan soon as Restrictions are lifted , I will let you know soon as . Regards Steve
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    Sounds good hopefully you can make it .
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    Beachballroom Aberdeen N/ Soul event . Friday night from 7pm - 1am . Saturday 4pm - 1am. Sunday at the Holburn Duthie Suite 3pm - 11pm . Tickets onsale for the Ballroom in January. Pay on the Door at the Holburn. Special Guest Bruno Jerez with a Quality DJ line up , playing Original Vinyl only . Tickets for the Ballroom are £32. 15 hours of Soul . Then Sunday 8 hours .

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