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Steve Thompson

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Everything posted by Steve Thompson

  1. Thanks for that. I did think it was Harold Melvin, but having seen them with the Manhattans in the 70's, I started to wonder if I had seen them twice and thought not. Don't think I saw that CD either to be honest. Steve
  2. Looking through concert tickets / programmes at home, I came across one from Sheffield City Hall - 19th May 1989 - The Philadelphia Show. Seem to recall two of the acts were The Three Degrees ( Sheila Ferguson had left by then ) and Billy Paul. Pretty certain there was a third act but cannot remember who it was if there was one. Can anyone shed any light on this tour please. Steve.
  3. Album track only I think, but would have thought their version of Gerald Sims - Bet You'll Never Be Sorry would have featured in 70's/ modern rooms.
  4. Very sad news Rick, like you known Tom for many years, DJ'd with him, and his knowledge of soul music was second to none. Have a photo of Tom on stage at the last Winter Gardens 2007 somewhere, and last spoke to him in the High Street a few months ago. At the Scooter rally this weekend, so will let those who have not heard know. Hope you are keeping well Rick.
  5. The copy for sale looks like the one I have had since the 70's. Run out grooves have GSFM1179 S and M an M (assume Monarch) a PB then 100274 ? all scratched across. A side plays clean stereo whilst B side is mono with surface noise, although not sure if like that when purchased. Thommo
  6. 1975 or 6, Colin & Mary Chapman did an evening cruise down the River Humber on one of the New Holland to Hull ferries that were used before the Humber Bridge was built. Seem to think Ginger and Eddie were DJ ing. Not the QE2 must must be one of the first Northern Soul Cruises.
  7. R Dean Taylor July 20th 1974, Marvelettes March 24th 1979, The Elgins April 14th 1979, Betty Wright April 26th 1975, Jackie Wilson May 10th 1975. These are some of the dates I have. The only live act I saw there was Edwin Starr 1974/5. I was at the first anniversary, I am pretty certain there was no live act that night.
  8. Queens Hall bus station All Niter Rick with 7000 there, Major Lance, JJ Barnes, Exciters, Mel & Tim etc. Seem to think we went to a second one with the Detroit Emeralds. I can remember some us going to watch Leeds in the afternoon then meeting up at the Scarborough pub before the niter.
  9. Correct these two did marry, and here is a photo taken at a Cleethorpes Winter Gardens All-Dayer when from memory I think Dave Godin and Frank Elson were also there that day.

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