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Stephen Houghton

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Everything posted by Stephen Houghton

  1. Gladys Knight Thanks
  2. Msg you fella
  3. Same as a awful lot of northern djs
  4. Nice one mush ,I agree with everything you have said
  5. Sozz don't know any either so looks like it's bulldozer time very sad
  6. The dj names are coming in thick and fast ,we will soon have enough names for a soul night soon at this rate with ludicrous names on the list
  7. Wouldn't it be nice to win the lottery and buy it and make it rise from the ashes again if only
  8. We watched this event and what a top event it was .absolutely loved it a breath of fresh air played on a completely different format setting. Well done bbc
  9. Great memories of this place Kathryn, and sadly like a lot of them going to the wall .
  10. The only one I know who goes around Stoke as a ludicrous dj is BLOBBY WILLIAMS Lol
  11. Is there any obscure or ludicrous dj names that come to mind ,what is your top 5
  12. Having been on the so called scene for nearly 45 yrs and listened to hundreds of so called djs,who when you ask them about certain tunes look at you like you have asked them for a country/western sound ,and answer you with NOT GOT THAT AND I ONLY PLAY TO THE CROWD. We used to go to quite a lot of venues but not so many anymore for precisely that reason .so it's probably a breath of fresh air to hear some so called djs with very odd made up names for themselves come on the scene its all down to the venue ,tunes,and a host of other things that make it for some punters.ive never had the seriouness of that price or that label or I've been into it for 5000yrs .just find some good venue and the rest takes care of itself .
  13. Thanks for all everyone's input ,I think it's gonna be a good time
  14. Thanks but got sorted Sorted now
  15. Msg you fella
  16. Sheila Anthony Thanks
  17. Thanks fella will give it a visit when we go
  18. Fred Hughes (exodus)
  19. First time to ibiza, any info on soulful music bars or clubs while we are there .already gonna go to the liquido bar but any more would be good .going in October
  20. Thanks might give it a go
  21. I had been to this a few yrs ago and it was a good night ,but not this time the music was mediocre at best and I didn't know this time you had to buy a drink with your bank card ,and as I only brought money my wife had to bail me out .wouldn't go again and what a shame .the floor in both rooms were terrible sticky
  22. Hi I'm looking for a small soul venue possible underground venue ,I've been to heebie jeebies so along them venues we are looking for here or abroad any help greatfully received

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