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Stephen Houghton

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Everything posted by Stephen Houghton

  1. Shuffle heaven ktf
  2. As a old shuffler on the floor, and my best tune for this is walk with a winner gene mcdaniels, and come on home by Wayne fontana. What's yours if there's any shufflers out there
  3. A1 condition
  4. Does anybody know how much is, serving a sentence of life by Carl Douglas is on English demo, thanks
  5. Thanks for the response, it might not be worth anything but it's a million pound memory to me ktf
  6. Cheers jezz,
  7. OK thanks
  8. Thanks fella, been after it for years
  9. Does anybody know what the vocal to, the penguin break down is thanks
  10. Carol and gerri, how can I ever find the way. No silly prices please
  11. I might be interested in the Harry deal thanks
  12. Hi Keith sorry to muck you about but just got a bill come in so unable to buy it once again sorry
  13. Are you near to me Keith to pay and collect
  14. Hi Keith, got your message how can I get to you to buy that tune, I'm in leek staffs thanks
  15. I'm after a copy of, the panic is on by Roy hamilton, no silly prices though
  16. It's just nice to see really what soullies put up with, and honestly listen to the comments good or bad. Don't stop going to any doo's soul or any music ktf
  17. It needed doing some of the best soul doo's I've been weren't very big or big name's. But when they come together ie, place, tunes, etc etc what a night
  18. Some good comments coming in, you can't beat debate
  19. Now that's what I call a reply brill
  20. Nice comment Pete,

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