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Stephen Houghton

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Everything posted by Stephen Houghton

  1. Hi Eddie is it in good condition fella
  2. Thanks for that bit of info, invaluable
  3. Thanks jez wil get back to you on that thanks steve
  4. Hi jez, thanks for your reply, what sort of price and condition, steve
  5. Kenny lynch, movin away, no silly prices please
  6. Syl johnson, send me some lovin, thanks
  7. Tony Ashley, I can't put you down, no silly prices it's for the misses
  8. I've got three records to price if anybody can help, 1 little togetherness, the young hearts on Canterbury 2 Heart trouble, by eyes of blue on deram. 3 oh my darlin Jackie Lee on jayboy demo. Thanks
  9. The jonny otis show, the Watts breakaway. +the fabians, would you beleive +the French connection, penguin talk
  10. Trying to find this one, nothing can stop me by the tsu toronados, and soul man blues by les Watson thanks
  11. Hi I'm interested in the variations you have, but I'm not on PayPal could I send cash, if yes what address thanks
  12. Is the spinners still for sale thanks
  13. Have you still got, baby I need your loving instrumental thanks
  14. That's strange because I've just booked a hotel and they sent me a reference back with that email, never had any problems before,
  15. Sorry try, Houghty26@gmail.com
  16. Yep I would be interested in it, my email is, houghty26@gmail.com. I'll check it out and get back to you thanks steve
  17. Hi gav yes I would be interested what sort of price are we talking steve
  18. Thanks for the reply, what's the price and whereabouts are you thanks
  19. Change, a lovers holiday. Alexander patton, a little lovin sometimes. Velvets, the magic is gone. Kenny lynch, movin away. Ray Charles compared to what. Thanks steve
  20. Hi do you still have the Edwin Starr, way over there for sale
  21. Totally agree with you fella
  22. Hi is cissy hustons still available thanks
  23. Has anybody out there got a copy of I get the sweetest feeling by erma franklin thanks

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