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Stephen Houghton

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Everything posted by Stephen Houghton

  1. Has anybody got any stories about any strange soul doo's here or abroad. A few years ago me and my wife went on our annual month trek around Thailand, and went to phuket and booked in a bb. Across the road we heard northern playing the bar was at the top of a zig zag hill and at the top was a lambretta jet 200 for sale at £2000.and a bar with scantily clad girls (or boys) dancing. We stayed for a quick beer then left. It was a very odd set up, and there was a odd night at the Wigan courts where just me and the wife and a couple of djs were there, good tunes though and no crowding on the floor, any more odd doo's like these places thanks
  2. Nobody but you, thanks
  3. Should be around £10 fella,
  4. Sleep well my friend
  5. PM'd you fella
  6. Back in the day when things were much less complicated, we would all arrange a lift to wherever for a soul doo. Distance wasn't a prob. The venues were small dark and dingy Brill atmosphere, not like the floodlit venues of today crap dance floor, extortionate bar prices, divvs everywhere, ect. So maybe it's about time and hope we can get back to these places, one of my fav place is the sink in Liverpool totally dingy and the atmosphere is great. So maybe playing tunes in your house isn't such a bad thing, get some friends round, and annoy all those so called soul djs off who just play there northern disco tunes like wade in the f#water
  7. I'll have the otis clay off ya fella, send us your details fella
  8. How much did the eyes of blue sell for fella, if you don't mind, thanks steve
  9. What a good post, my journey started at the fair in macclesfield in the early sixties when motown was played on the waltzers, where the mods would gather, seeing the lambys and . On the last night the rockers would come down and it would kick off Brill days. So my journey had started going to local working men's clubs and my first Ben sherman shirt which my mum scorched it when she ironed it. Zoom too the future and still doing it, and this lockdown won't finish it off either, stay safe everybody ktf
  10. FRANK DELL, BABY YOU'VE GOT IT (VALISE) ex cond, this was owned by Bob Taylor his name written on cover as in the pic £40. BOBBY FREEMAN, SWIM (AUTUMN) EX COND, £25. INCLUDES UK PP, THANKS FOR LOOKING
  11. Hi fella I'll have THE MELODIANS+DONNIE ELBERT+JOHNNIE TAYLOR how much with all the postage thanks, steve
  12. Got sorted fella Thanks fella
  13. On columbia thanks, steve
  14. Resonable price paid, not silly price, thanks steve
  15. Reasonable price please, in ex+cond
  16. PM'd you fella, steve
  17. Resonable price please
  18. Pmd you fella, steve
  20. At last a boogie time and Sunday dinner, hope there's pudding too,
  21. It happens all the time, when records are advertised for sale just make them a offer and tell them its cheaper elsewhere if its inflated, its most annoying

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