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Stephen Houghton

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Everything posted by Stephen Houghton

  1. We are going to Egypt in Feb and just want to know if there are any soul music clubs in sharm ,any help appreciated
  2. Can you help ,we're after a hol worldwide to include soul music any ideas
  3. Hi we're contemplating a hol to include lots of soul music worldwide for a couple of weeks ,Where's a good place to start ideas please
  4. fred hughes ,ex+please (exodus)
  5. Dave raistrick records might still have a copy that I sold him ,good luck
  6. So sad and what a dj ,rip my friend
  7. On the real side (turbo) Reasonable price please in ex cond
  8. Cheers joe
  9. Something new to do Ex+ cond please Reasonable price please
  10. Can't remember how long the memory isn't what it was lol. But excellent for news and info of soul doos ,keep it up ,never done Facebook but ss is excellent for us
  11. Got sorted thanks
  12. Love and hate in a different time . Bank transfer or cheque ,don't do PayPal thanks
  13. Gabriel's, love and hate in a different time Jack radics no matter Singles please
  14. Forever in my heart Thanks
  15. First time here ,it's the wife's birthday
  16. The velvets (monument)
    We went to this event for the first time ,and we found it very disappointing, no atmosphere the room to bright ,we stayed 20mins then got a taxi home .tunes mediocre at best .not a patch on silk mill ,not our cup of t
  17. Hi fella thanks but got sorted now Sorted now
  18. Chuck Jackson, thanks
  19. Don't be afraid to take my love Thanks ,SORTED NOW
    We went to this venue and apart from a small turnout we had a brill time .the tunes were excellent some I'd forgotten about ,and top marks to russ and Alan for there spot

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