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Mike Lofthouse

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Everything posted by Mike Lofthouse

  1. Sold mine for over £400 at its peak (bought at the The Mecca - Francis T? for £2) ... but bought it back considerably cheaper.....
  2. No Daved - it first appeared legitimately on a re-issue of 'Home Is where the Heart is' as an additional track - Japanese I think - the Soul Brother release was way way down the line....
  3. Not on the original vinyl - first appeared on a remastered CD issue and a few variations since...
  4. and that is no fool of dealer - Jason form Durham NC!!!
  5. How can Rance Allen be worth £275?
  6. It was included in one of Ian Dewhirsts projects from three years ago - there was a lengthy discussion about it on here I even highlighted that particular track... Mind I was very pleased to see my $5 investment grow to £500!! It is a very good record though - its's only fault is the harmonica - never liked it on Soul records :o)
  7. It might be fast ..it might be too fast, but the flip is awesome slow Deep Soul......how people ever got past 'I Still Love You' to play the other 'dance' side I'll never know!!
  8. Wo Wow Dave it has taken you nine years to reply to this topic!!
  9. I think promoters like yourself have done a wonderful job Ady - but rather than relaunch successful careers I think you have given them the platform to have their wonderful careers recognised and for us fans to pay our respects. The obvious example for me is Bettye Swann - a wonderful night and a chance to say thank you to her. But I can't see how Maxine Brown and people like that would work more in the US as a result of a UK appearance. I would of thought she would of done the oldies circuit and such like in the US. Look at the lineup for this years Ponderosa Stomp in New Orleans - so many recognised by the UK scene but presented in a fashion that has absolutely nothing to do with 'Northern' As for Edwin and the other UK based performers they were just hard working artists who would of earned a living whatever for example Martha Reeves is on in a restaurant in Middlesbrough Sunday night - 'The purple Pig' on Sunday night for £20 a pop - nothing to do with 'Northern'. You are not one of the 'opportunists' I speak of Ady but please, keep up the good work! Mike
  10. Not sure many artists* ever have. Plenty of less talented opportunists have mind! there are six pages of hero worship for one particular character on one topic alone in this forum. * - singers, writers, musicians, producers, arrangers etc
  11. Steve - I picked it up - it is good but they are selling it on their own site for £9 less than the RSD participants - what a con!!!. I 've always given RSD the benefit of the doubt mainly because I like shopping for records but things like this don't do it any favours. Mike
  12. Not sure about being critical of Shrine - the first mention of the label I ever came across was when Ian played the DC Blossoms at the Mecca circa '75 - that's way way before the label gained the status it did. He even reviewed it in his Black Music column at the time. Sure he moved on got into different things but his love of Northern seems to have returned with a vengeance.
  13. But don't underestimate Levine - he may well have spotted a record in his 'barn' but it was just not right at the time - it is a pretty short timescale we are talking about at the Mecca - and he went from traditional Northern to disco in no time at all. He couldn't have possibly played and redefined everything. I do remember him in Frank Elson's Blues and Soul column talking about some records he couldn't play 'out' and it was things like 'Nobody But You' by Esther Phillips which finally got accepted years later. His knowledge of all forms of Soul inc Deep was encyclopedic - the records got into his barn for good reason! When you think of the times he was operating in he's second to none really.
  14. Agreed Kev - Ain't Myself Anymore was recorded in Detroit at the the same sessions as Let's Get Together and Sweet Lips Of Joy - if I heard them three played out I would be a happy man!
  15. I was looking for an example Dave....figured it wasn't perfect but the drift was it was a total mega rare record that did not offer a big clue like Cameo Parkway!
  16. I guess a lot of these things may of already been in collections - it was just a matter of lining them up with the outlet i.e. venue and DJ. A lot collectors maybe didn't go to Wigan or the Mecca and maybe were not Northern soul fans per se. A good example is Cajun Hart - Bob Slater from Middlesbrough bought two copies as a new release - because he went to Wigan and knew Searling he gave him a copy. But others will have bought it that didn't have connections or any interest, their copies will have surfaced at some stage. At the end of the day most big DJ's had suppliers who fed them records one way or the other (not discounting the fact that one or two did go digging themselves). I also think records like Yvonne Baker are a million miles away from say the Mello Souls for example - any Soul fan back in the day would of recognized Cameo Parkway and picked it up and bought it - at some point it would of have surfaced.
  17. Agree with that - when cataloging in a database I always use the convention Impressions (The) and I would store that in the Surname field. But what do people do with someone like 'Little Milton' nickname followed by forename? Or Mel And Tim - two forenames? Again, I store that as surname so when I file by label then surname my STAX records would be in this order - Frederick Knight Little Milton Mel And Tim Newcomers (The) I do not differentiate between UK & US Make sense? Mike
  18. Yes that what sways it for me - bought the Sandra Wright and they were playing the Linda Jones loud over a big high end sound system......................................on balance worse ways to spend a Saturday afternoon...
  19. Wanted must be mint to excellent condition - sleeve and vinyl.................... Duke DLPX-90 - If Loving You Is Wrong - Bobby Bland Let me know total cost Thanks
  20. Thought it was one Levine tipped in his Black Music column? bought it off Soul Bowl as a result!
  21. Hi Martin - yes I still have that patch - he was a very talented artist - still is ! I took over from Jack at Tiffanys when he packed in.
  22. Indeed he is - never changes!!!! Who am I speaking to?
  23. Well the two lads who sold the EP to John Vincent played it all the time pre Wigan in Middlesbrough - Bob Slater and Jack Wardle!!

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