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Mike Lofthouse

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Everything posted by Mike Lofthouse

  1. The worst news - his playing on Howlin' Wolf's sides is the greatest - my favourite guitar solo ever - 1.40 ish in .. RIP Hubert reunited with the Mighty Wolf...
  2. Chris some goodies I'm looking out for https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fame-Studios-Story-1961-1973-3cd/dp/B005LOIEM6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321703090&sr=8-1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Good-Woman-Barbara-Lynn/dp/B005LOIBRY/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1321703121&sr=1-1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dont-Count-Out-Fame-Recordings/dp/B005UXV6XM/ref=pd_sim_m_h__6 https://www.amazon.co.uk/RCA-Albums-Collection-Sam-Cooke/dp/B005APT72M/ref=pd_sim_m_h__9 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Complete-Albums-Collection-Nina-Simone/dp/B005LTDPFW/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1321706441&sr=1-1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Smokestack-Lightning-Complete-Masters-1951-1960/dp/B005JLN9V2/ref=cm_pdp_srp_title_1 and just got the new Tony Rounce compiled Arthur Conley... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Living-Good-1964-1974-Arthur-Conley/dp/B005BX3KSA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1323029226&sr=8-1 Mike
  3. Tampa is 30% bigger!! suspect it will have more of a black music tradition too.
  4. Sarasota is on the gulf coast - would of thought you would have more luck at Tampa and the likes - nearer than Orlando. Mike
  5. A twisted steeple draws a large crowd in Chesterfield
  6. Maybe an alternate country Bob?
  7. Always thought Peterlee was the cultural wasteland of the NE Harry - I'll have stop driving by on the A19 and check it out :o)
  8. Some great stuff there Ian - I'm just pre-ordering from amazon now. Minor point but why the anomaly on the Crossover Cd - £3.99 and later release data? Is Hampsey slacking again? Mike
  9. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Muscle-Shoals-VINYL-James-Carr/dp/B005UYWYD2/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1322509369&sr=8-8
  10. Discussed back in 2009 ... sold mine for $94 inc postage Mike
  11. I stick by my view that at the height of its popularity the track was played off the album and not available on 45 . The Brother to Brother track was the 45 alternative which was a big Billboard R&B hit. The wikipedia entry just confuses the picture further - the only detail of the record is the later UK release. No way was it number 15 Billlboard R&B in 74/75. If it was, it would sold many thousands - it would still be ten a penny on ebay now! I dug out out all my old Black Music and B&S circa 74/75 and can find no mention of a GSH 45 - no reviews, no new release listings, chart placings or copies for sale. 'Winter In America' was a top 15 Jazz album for many months including a period when Brother To Brother was charting. One of the singles reviews of Brother to Brother talks about 'their version of the 'pull' track from the GSH LP' Maybe they did a couple of runs for promo purpose - (Jazz) radio stations etc - one indicated as promo , the other not ? Were they still doing special runs for Juke boxes by then ? like the mini album formats?
  12. Interesting stuff Sebastian - is it listed in any Billboard Singles chart from that period?
  13. The 'demo' version of The Bottle proves nothing ...and the Shirley Scott looks even more dodgy with the 'italics' . The Lee cooper looks pukka. I'm gonna stick with what I knew back then - the album or the french 45 for me!!
  14. The other thing that looks 'odd' to me is the message on the outside of the label - 'All rights...unauthorized public performance ...etc - you didn't see that very often on US 45's - normally it was distribution and manufacturing details - well it does on the ones I have :o)
  15. I not doubting that it is a proper legit copy - I just don't remember it being around when the track was new - '74. Never saw it listed - it was always talked about as an album only track and I remember getting very excited when I located the French 45's. Don't remember it mentioned in B&S or Black Music (which of course was my only source of reference back then) And back then I only bought new release Soul.
  16. Never been able to get an absolute consensus on here. I am absolutely certain that the only way you could play it as a new release - 74/75 - was from the album - can't believe for a minute that if a 45 was available Levine did not have it or could not get it! Then the French 45 came along and I bought 4 copies in Germany in ' 76 for me and my mates one of which was swapped for the album because someone was desperate for the 45. The label in Patto's scan has never looked right to me - the title spacing the numbering of it ( 1. of what ?) and the font looks very modern to me IMHO
  17. not sure which one is the original - Linda's is '68 and there is a Sammy Turner demo I believe ....whatever I don't think Linda could be surpassed Mike
  18. F***ing hell - I hope you don't find it !!!!
  19. I have the blues Various Artists album - 'Soul Meeting Saturday Night Hootenanny Style'
  20. Lorraine Ellison an Jerry Butler both did it too.
  21. Live in Norton. Use to be a good pint of John Smiths Cask in the top house at Norton (Unicorn) - but like evrywhere else its Black Sheep now :o( What about yourself
  22. The Garrick eh? I never pass the Sun Inn and a pint of foaming Bass in fact its the only reason I go into Stockton
  23. my offerings - two awesome slabs of Soul !!
  24. Was this not the the 'official' video for 'Record Shop Day'? it was posted up on here around the time of the said day. The shop is very close to where I live - I don't go in.

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