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Mike Lofthouse

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Everything posted by Mike Lofthouse

  1. and Wayne it is TORONADOES !!! I have seen them credited as TORONADOS (same spelling as the car) but are they credited anywhere as Tornado(e)s?
  2. 'You're The Best In The World' - Flip of Johnnie Taylor's "Disco Lady" which was the first certified platinum single (two million copies sold)
  3. Surely he should of been alerted to the fact it was a boot when the ceiling fell in each time he played it
  4. I take it it is not an Italian release then?
  5. No amount of cleaning will make 'Miles Ahead' sound like 'Kind Of Blue' !!
  6. I can understand you being nostalgic about the nights held there - its the people and music that make a venue after all - but it is just a scruffy old derelict hotel !
  7. Look forward to it Steve!!!
  8. Seem to remember Steve Plumb had a good few a few years back (must be 10 years or so) and included them in his 'famous' £1 sale on Saturday afternoon at Soul Essence - I picked one up! Hope he does it again this year
  9. anyone have a mint or mint- copy for sale? Let me know total cost Many thanks Mike
  10. harmless fun? you can cut that out Mooney or I'll take you down the Erimus and give you a good hiding
  11. Always loved 'Daddy's Baby' try ...'Love Is Like A ramblin' Rose' too.... My favourite falsetto singer by far - be it Okeh, Ronn or Alarm
  12. However, is does fit into a box designed for 7" records :0)
  13. Always loved the ABC cut of his classic (the one on Roulette 45 also?) - came out on Soul Bible Vol 1 on Probe in the UK...
  14. My favourite - I Wish It Was Me...
  15. Robin - its one thing just nipping in for 'a few minutes' to look at a 'few' records as we are passing , another nipping off for four hours for a round of golf!! We must catch up when I get back - hopefully we'll be off winter greens by then!
  16. Any tips for records or Soul related activities in theses States - spending sometime there next week driving down from Raleigh to Savannah. Any pointers greatly appreciated. Thanks Mike
  17. Don't know how I managed this - but meant to post this as a link to Dave Harrison who asked about it in the 'Am I The Same Girl' thread - seem to have 'promoted' this original sales post!!!!
  18. From the RCA album earlier recommended by Dave - great version of the Jaibi classic....
  19. oh that - but why would that be referred to ? I only made one or two comments about the Mecca - how would that be remembered I was not offensive was I ?
  20. Oh no - another 8 days discussion about a box of records no one has any intention of buying
  21. I think 'bootleg' was traditionally a term used by Rock fans to describe previously unreleased material - be it live or studio recorded stuff, for example Bob Dylan's 'Great White Wonder'. '(Re) Pressing' is a better description of what is a facsimile of an 'official' release. Never ever heard the term 'bootleg' used to describe these re-pressings.
  22. its pretty Deep and Soulful for the rest of the night too - albeit marginally faster
  23. At least now its over you can all stop worrying and get your life back to some kind of normality

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