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Mike Lofthouse

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Everything posted by Mike Lofthouse

  1. If it wasn't for Russ would there have been a Casino?
  2. Everything bad about Wigan was Russ - everything great was Richard. I still find it strange that two people could work together for 8 years - at Wigan, on their roadshow and guesting at other venues - and be poles apart !
  3. Does everything always have to be a contest? I use both - dip in and out of both. Both have their faults - hate it on here when people post under an alias and make no attempt to identify themselves. But for sure I don't want to know what people are having for their tea, their wife's dress size or their shopping for kitchen appliances! :o)
  4. Couldn't be sure - Zigaboo does appear on the album - and he is the only missing Meter from the track listing on this track. Mind Simon Phillips is no mug - i'm sure he could play in any style!
  5. I don't wish to be rude Quinvy and I do read your posts with interest, but who are you? Your profile does not identify you and you never sign your posts. Your talking about Manship, Tim Brown etc but I don't know who you are :o(
  6. Well I knew you would get there in the end Kev!!!!
  7. Steve, I realise that there were many sides done specifically for the UK for sure - but by and large those were not things that had already had a UK release and a re-issue like the Artistics - came out on Coral in '66 then MCA in 70 (and finally on Brunswick in '76)
  8. As well as the Billy Butler above I have 'I'm Gonna Miss You' by the Artistics - always struck me - as RobbK says - as the 'oldies' line. Surely any demand specifically for the UK would of been met by UK issues/re-issues? Mike
  9. Clearly voted for and compiled by those that think there has been a substantial amount of Soul music released post 77 through to the present day. And obviously aware of the 'classic', 'commercial' and 'smooth' Soul of the 60's & 70's. I guess there are many out there who this appeals to - not me and most definitely not Northern Soul fans - chalk and cheese really.
  10. The list of records he is selling is disgrace - @ 14.99 each too. Mind people must be retards who buy theses things - search for 'Stormy' and three are listed inc a legitimate issue from the recent box set for the same price. Ditto the Tammi Terrell.
  11. Again. to turn it around slightly, How many others (especially the small labels) would there have been , without Motown driving them out of business ? :o)
  12. Very well put - it is because of this I hate to hear, or see the need, to dabble in it, sample it, re-jig it or dress it up as something new. Lee fields, Charles Bradley, Sharon Jones are the real deal if I want something new. I'll pass on Duffy, Stone, Hucknall, Faith and the likes....
  13. well if the criteria is the 'the whole Motown stable inc Ric Tic' I don't think it is a match for 'Atlantic' alone - let alone 'the rest put together' Atlantic, Atco, Cotillion, Stax,Volt, Daker, Alston, Fame etc etc
  14. He would of hated it with a passion when it was a current play back then!
  15. I love his Hi output of course - and indeed heard that first - but his Back Up Train album that got a UK release on Action is tremendous. Apart from the title track , this is gorgeous......
  16. Darrel Banks is the epitome of Northern Soul - for me it defines the whole thing.... ....A 60's UK release (on the iconic Stateside label) ....A legendary promo only release on an earlier UK label (London) ....A non Motown Detroit release (on Revilot ) ....A fantastic double sider with Open the Door (maybe the best double sider ever) ....A truly great Soul Man and Singer One 45 ...anyone asks about Northern Soul - give them a copy
  17. Fantastic set - the Sam Dees track is essential. I think Frederick Knight 'Be for Real' is also previously un-issued - Marlena Shaw did it on Blue Note and strangely Leonard Cohen did it too! Mike
  18. Mike Charlton has a copy. Ali Nightingale sold a copy two years ago - I bid more than I have ever bid on a record and was way way short. So if you were offered one for £250 I would say that is an absolute bargain in scheme of things!
  19. Always thought people must be mad to prefer those awful mono/stereo demos over an issue on these things and even pay a premium! Love Etta's previous unreleased take on 'I Never Meant...' too....
  20. My favourite Rance Allen - wouldn't swap it for 'I Know A Man'!!
  21. Well she didn't write the song...but you could write better songs than the Poindexters!!! F**k me sometimes I wonder!
  22. What 'bloody awful records' did Linda Jones record?
  23. I had two at one time - traded my spare with Mike Charlton - on the grounds that I got my first copy from him (after he played it at Soul Essence a good few years back) to complete my Bettye Atlantic singles. I always thought it could go big and it seems the recent extended Tom Moulton thing has re-activated interest in it. So nice to have her Atlantic stuff finally available on CD with those superb bonus tracks. Mike
  24. Curtis always pulled at the heart strings....
  25. Got a UK release Kev - flip of 'Easy Evil' The only one on Brunswick I knew by him for many years!!

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