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Everything posted by Adydj

  1. Ffs these penple are not right cant be doing with it the scene is done for me
  2. Maybe the demo was mine cant realy remember what i got for it thought it was £200 i think its worth more
  3. Hi mate i had a demo manship had it off me for £200 'I think good tune i would keep it all the best ady
  4. Hi would anyone do a trade for clean copy please pm ady thanks
  5. OK cheers is it hard tn get?
  6. Hi can anyone help does anyone no this record and what price is it thanks
  7. Haha yeah my phone is playing up
  8. Think your right
  9. OK thought more thanks
  10. Hi could anyone tell me how much a ex+ demo copy is with the label the right way round thanks ady
  11. Have a real nice copy forsale must be ex + £95 plus post £8, please pm ady thanks
  12. After a fredrick hymes if you have one
  13. How much for
  14. Rudzy its ady bull have you still got that copy of kelly and the soul explsions repards ady
  15. £3000 really dont think its worth that thanks anyway
  16. Hi i am after a copy of this can anyone tell what its worth thanks ady.
  17. I have got these tunes just wanted to no what the price was thanks hammie
  18. Also got the trends demo and a spider turner get yourself together on a origianal but has a light hiss untill half way throuh
  19. Thankyou for your help
  20. Unreal tunes paul
  21. Really never mind two more i would like to no billy prohet demo danny woods on correctone
  22. Omg i did hear it was but i had to make sure what about joan dovalle Let me go

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