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Everything posted by Adydj

  1. I just go by jm book
  2. Thanks thought a bit more
  3. I have a demo just wondered what it was worth thanks for your help regards ady
  4. Could someone tell me what this is worth on a original demo thanks ady
  5. How much is that in English please
  6. Hi has anyone got a nice clean original on yodi records to trade must be at least ex+ beast regards ady
  7. That's it chalky thanks mate
  8. I've heard on Newark radio tonight a record God knows what it is I have heard it the lyrics are roll up that's what it is it's hard I no could someone out there tell.me what it is and is it on YouTube thanks ady
  9. I've heard on Newark radio tonight a record God knows what it is I have heard it the lyrics are roll up that's what it is it's hard I no could someone out there tell.me what it is and is it on YouTube thanks ady
  10. Lol no problem don't see it for sale now days thanks
  11. That's a bit low thanks anyway
  12. Hi please could someone tell me how much this original Palmer demo is worth not sure on the number in e×+ condition thanks ady.
  13. Ok thankyou for your help
  14. Ok Thought more thanks anyway best regards ady
  15. Hi please could someone tell me how much a multi coloured demo of this classic track is it's in ex plus condition thanks ady
  16. I did get it off silver fox cracking tune think it's a hard one to get good luck on finding one regards ady
  17. Hi has anyone got a nice clean original on shy soul got to be at least ex please let me no regards ady
  18. Thought it would be I've only seen one thanks mate
  19. Hi mate yeah it's a good tune rare to I don't play it wanted other tunes regards ady
  20. Ok no worries
  21. I have sent you a message like I said all I want is stuff like baby love demos sorry if the message didn't get to you all the best ady
  22. Just looking for things like baby love demos and the temptations the way you do the things you do best regards ady
  23. Has anyone got a copy of this track on Trojan or bread records please pm day thanks
  24. For sale a class Detroit tune not many about hard to find £550 plus post bank transfer only please pm day thanks

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