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Everything posted by Adydj

  1. Yeah Ann Robinson Cindy Scott and someone else
  2. Been through some crap thanks mate
  3. Hi mate I'm sorry not well mate sell the copy if you can sorry to mess you about
  4. Hi mate let you on when I can
  5. Hi has anyone got a clean copy for.sale on a first. Release please. PM ady
  6. How much was it mate
  7. Nice tune I would like one good taste
  8. Whoops yes it. Should my mistake. Silly me tram JP for letting me know atb
  9. Has anyone got a clean original copy to sell must be no less than ex+ please PM ady thanks
  10. Razz ma tazz on the disco floor mint £20 plus.post bank transfer if possible. Please PM ady thanks.
  11. A mint copy of this class tune £30. Plus post bank transfer if possible please PM ady thanks
  12. Hi has anyone got a clean copy for.sale or trade. Please PM ady with condition and price thanks.
  13. Hi has anyone have a clean copy on any labels to trade please PM ady
  14. Please let me no when you post it. Thanks
  15. Will send in at. Few mins Tony let me no when you get it please this is my address Adrian bull 1 swan road Whittlesey Peterborough pe71yn
  16. Will send in at. Few mins Tony let me no when you get it please this is my address Adrian bull 1 swan road Whittlesey Peterborough pe71yn
  17. OK send me your details mate
  18. Hi Tony would you take £65. Plus post atb ady
  19. Hi there was one on Facebook. Soul sales atb
  20. Please send me your list Soulman.bull@ntlworld.com thankyou took forward to it
  21. Hi has anyone got a nice clean original for sale must be at least e+ please let me no with price and condition thanks ady
  22. God what a original lucky you well done

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