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Everything posted by Adydj

  1. Hi has anyone got a original copy for sale no boots original only please PM ady
  2. Lol yeah bloody 15 copies and she won't sell them yet. She said she will autograph them and sell them when she is ready
  3. Has anyone got a nice clean original of take me back please PM ady if OK pay next month.
  4. Thanks lads atb
  5. Hi could anyone tell me where in the USA jar val records is from atb
  6. Now £230 please PM ady
  7. Four pros just another girl demo for sale in ex conditions on the just another girl side it has two very small marks not sure what they are but I've got a new deck and a expensive needle and it plays fine money back if not happy £250 plus post bank transfer only atb ady if anyone wants photos I can send them to their email address thanks
  8. Has anyone got a nice clean copy to let go please PM ady thanks
  9. Yeah it's cheap mate think the UK released has a second issue if I went and bought this I would only buy the USA copy atb ady
  10. Hi mate I haven't a clue what's it's called all I no it's on a lp called Diana joins the temptations and the track is called then. Could you find out if it's on a ep been told it's on a French one would be good if you could many thanks ady.
  11. Does anyone no the address of Dave's wife Carol so I can send a card many thanks ady
  12. Has anyone got a French ep of Supremes and the temptations with the track then on it please PM ady
  13. Hi has anyone got a clean copy of this lp must be on USA Motown please PM ady
  14. Has anyone got a nice clean original please PM ady with condition and price thanks
  15. Still after a copy must be clean no noise can only pay next moth please let me no atb ady
  16. Has anyone got a original copy of this Detroit gem please PM ady atb
  17. Hi mate sorry I've got one now what price was I was valuing to Carole on Facebook atb
  18. Four pros just another girl demo for sale in ex conditions on the just another girl side it has two very small marks not sure what they are but I've got a new deck and a expensive needle and it plays fine money back if not happy £225 plus £7.50 post please PM ady.
  19. Still after a copy must be at least ex + original only. Please PM with price and condition thanks
  20. Has anyone got a nice clean copy for sale must be original demo on Okeh money waiting please PM ady thanks
  21. Has anyone got a original USA copy must be ex+ at least money waiting please PM ady
  22. For sale a gorgeous clean copy of this uptempo track £150 plus post best regards ady
  23. For sale a mint - copy of this class tune £75 plus post please PM ady.
  24. Has anyone got a nice clean original on USA no boots please PM ady thanks
  25. Has anyone got a nice clean original for sale please PM ady with price and condition. Thanks

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