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Everything posted by Russoul1

  1. I bet the viewing figures trebled with all us lot tuning in... shit that means it could be a regular feature or even a new soul night
  2. just had my son text me taking the piss saying I dance like the old guy with the hat on! looks like hes getting the sack tomorrow if he says anything as im the boss
  3. bloody hell - 943
  4. Christ with all this action, might bunge up a sales list ...................................
  5. ITS A BIG FAT NO FROM ME MARK.....LOL rob messr still trying to get a acting job....
  6. come on missing cori for this shite, as I put in the other thread after tonight they will rename this - "the one two one two skip n a jump show"
  7. crikey was thinking them zimmers where the dancers...................
  8. cringe cringe......
  9. hi all, looking for a min EX with clean labels of greater experience - forget to remember - colony 13 if you have a copy to sell pm or email russel.holley@btinternet.com stating true condition and wanting price, please no make me a offer quick and easy payment for the right copy at the right price thanks for looking russ
  10. lets hope after weds they don't change there name to " the one two one two skip and jump show"
  11. breaking news......due to the one show doing abit about northern soul, coronation street have decided to combat this by having a craig charles soul disco in the rovers starting at 7.30pm any dancers welcomed, heard that there will be a free pint and hot pot for the best dancers with baggies and vest, and a free souvenior beer towel presented by liz craig who plays lloyd the taxi owner/driver will being playing a mix of all the old soul classics played in the rovers over the last 50yrs...or so tina the barmaid will also give a souvenior to any married soulmen round the back beer garden or alley.....
  12. hi all, just managed to secure a top uk want, so just got me thinking whats the most wanted 45 on uk & usa doesn't have to be top rarity or most expensive record but 45s that appear most on wants lists over the years or records you had /have to have if you get my drift..... russ
  13. love both the vocal and instro........great stuff!!!
  14. hi all, looking for a min EX with clean labels of greater experience - forget to remember - colony 13 if you have a copy to sell pm or email russel.holley@btinternet.com stating true condition and wanting price, please no make me a offer quick and easy payment for the right copy at the right price thanks for looking russ
  15. hi aaron, have a sawmill - pulse issue if still looking russ
  16. hi all, looking for a min EX with clean labels of greater experience - remember to forget - colony 13 if you have a copy to sell pm or email russel.holley@btinternet.com stating true condition and wanting price, please no make me a offer quick and easy payment for the right copy at the right price thanks for looking russ
  17. have pmd mark regards this one awaiting a yay or nay......
  18. hi all, was playing gladys tyler - little bitty girl, which just as the full works given to it....ray scott doing the backing track....which even at the end you can hear the band playing on and gladys giving her all on the vocal..... so whats your fav tune that as the "the full works" russ
  19. hi all, any good folk got any of these to let go, or know anyone willing to sell tony middleton - return to spanish harlem - speed greater experience - don't forget to remember - colony 13 fantastic four - live up to what you think - ric tic wdj only must be min ex+ with clean labels quick easy sale for the right copies, please no make me an offers thanks pm or email russel.holley@btinternet.com thanks for looking russ
  20. hi all looking for these 2 tony middleton - return to spanish harlem - speed greater experience - don't forget to remember - colony 13 must be min ex+ with clean labels quick easy sale for the right copies, please no offers thanks pm or email russel.holley@btinternet.com also still looking for fantastic four - live up to what you think - ric tic wdj only thanks for looking russ
  21. hi all, have these in sales but will also take a trade for tony middleton - return to spanish harlem - speed jimmy hart - teahouse in china town - mercury wdj only must be min ex+ with clean labels up for trade jesse davis - gonna hang on in there girl / night bloomin jasmin - era promo VG but plays VG++ OR BETTER £450 **SOLD** lanny hunt - suzie q / stay - panorama EX £225.00 benny curtis - lovin back guarantee - dynamite EX £125.00 **SOLD** thanks for looking russ
  22. hi all, a few rare 60s if interested pm or email russel.holley@btinternet.com money back if unhappy jesse davis - gonna hang on in there girl / night bloomin jasmin - era promo VG £450.00 **SOLD THANKS** (class 60s dancer of quality, vinyl as few marks nothing deep, alittle label rub round edges have graded vg but plays vg++ or better loud and clear, rarer flip side) lanny hunt - suzie q / stay - panorama EX £225.00 (BRILLIANT uptempo stormer flip not bad too, nice clean condition) benny curtis - lovin back guarantee - dynamite EX £125.00 **SOLD THANKS** (raw rare and great rnb romper, great stuff!!) paypal gift/cheques £2.75 recorded pp uk, will send abroad extra OPEN TO TRADE FOR tony middleton - return to spanish harlem - speed jimmy hart - teahouse in china town - mercury wdj only must be min ex+ with clean labels thanks for looking russ
  23. hi all, looking for a min ex+ with clean labels; fantastic four - live up to what she thinks - ric tic wdj if you have a copy to sale pm or email russel.holley@btinternet.com stating true condition and a wanting price no offers thanks a quick and easy sale for the right copy thanks for looking russ
  24. im with pete, above for mintish w/demo, ive got the black n gold demo which only one copy shows on popsike must be quite hard so maybe alittle more?
  25. thanks for reply grant, yes there are two different releases 1st issue k & p 300 then later released on a different label format k & p 400 with a different flipside

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