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Everything posted by Jimmyjames

  1. Oh no.. so sad to hear this. Too true!! Im sure not to everyones taste on here but.. The electric prunes; release of an oath aswell. His productions shaped so much golden era hip hop as source material. Feel blessed to have seen him conduct a live show at rfh in 2004. Rip ax.
  2. Another classic from edwin... The simplest piano intro.
  3. There's a banjo on the dan penn fame demo for rainbow road too.
  4. Cool no probs. Still made on a 1962 machine
  5. Bags unlimited still make the old style green sleeves in the usa.
  6. Everyone has there own views on this, but I would go for a shure m44 7 over an ortofon concorde. Though the shure cart is aimed at djs these days, its roots were laid as a broadcast cart. Some people say that even a badly set up shure is better than a lot of other carts done right. Check the article... https://www.residentadvisor.net/features/1837 I know alot of guys that do play Dubs /acetates and they go for the shure. Due to minimal surface wear with back cuing /beat mixing. Im not saying ortofon dont mke some great carts. I use 2m series carts at home for listening that have elliptical styli. And I know that some ortofon concord dj styli also now come as elliptical. But if Im going to play out, I'll take the shures and a tracking gauge. Other than that, ID never back cue styrene . just cue from the run in as mentioned before. Ps I dont work for shure.
  7. Still looking...
  8. Thanks for the replies people. Colin, I have heard that before. I allways thought it to be a later vers for some reason. I think I prefer the lp cut.. Has charles stepney's stamp all over it. Cheers
  9. Hi, can anyone tell me if the b side of the look at me now single "you goin miss your candy man" is a different version or mix than that of the lp, What colour is.. As there are a few years between the the two releases. I know Its going to be an edited vers at least, due to the lp track clocking at around 7 mins. Dont have the 45 to compare and cant find that vers online. Cheers for any info.. atb
  10. Still looking! Jeanette nellis : lets get together / wait. chess 1855 Anyone ? Please pm if you can help.. Thanks for looking. Cheers
  11. Hi all, looking for a nice clean copy of jeanette nellis : 'wait' on chess. set sale only, Please pm if you can help.Cheers! Not got around to posting on boards, but have bought a few bits from people on here. Atb

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