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Everything posted by WendyTinley

  1. Steve White on The Northern Soul show on Radio Sheffield played it on Wednesday and I loved it...
  2. An aftershave I think... yes I remember my bothers (aka brothers) stopping what ever they were doing to watch the hi karate ads and then they'd bugger off to their rooms... not sure why...
  3. From doing a bit of research on the web it seems to be a Popcorn sound... and is on the album below... https://www.vdp-records.com/various%20highs...y%20vol%204.htm
  4. Chris... it is so bugging me... who is the lady in your avatar... she is rather gorgeous... so GT tells me!
  5. There is a saying 'it takes two to Tango'... If all of you that don't like Mr Levine just ignored the fact that he existed and did not participate in this thread then everyone would be happy... I too have been on the receiving end of Mr Levine's tongue (ooo'er missus) in the past but that doesn't make me immediately want to poke a stick at him... it does seem like this thread is a bear baiting session... both sides are equally guilty... You lot stay there -----------------------------------> <-------------------------- The other lot stay there... There now... wouldn't that be peaceful! Restraint is the key... Enough patronising from me...
  6. I am... it's called multi-tasking!
  7. I did note that but didn't want to make comments like 'cheese eating surrender monkeys'... oops!
  8. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MOD-MOTOWN-FRANK-WIL...id=p3286.c0.m14 Is it just me that gets wound up about stuff like this... This record on Ebay is currently at £50 and the seller is saying that the record is a 1965 release... when surely it is a 1979 release..? I know it should be 'buyer beware' but it seems wrong to me...
  9. Mel Brit... That voice... those strings... as you wrote... awesome!
  10. Completely agree with you there Chalky... regardless of a track's finite genre, if it stirs something in the heart and feet and is requested to be played at a northern event then it is 'northern soul'... I refuse to write (imho) 'cos anyone who gives an opinion is hardly being humble... (imo)
  11. And because you did... so did I!
  12. Bugger... my re-issue on Ebay just went for £28... hey ho!
  13. Sooooooooooo no one wants it... It's on Ebay tomoz...
  14. Cheers peeps... I'll put it on Ebay for 75 pence then
  15. Was just trawling through the remaining stuff in my box to put on ebay when I noticed that this track is the same on both sides but when I've searched the web for this track it should be backed with Iguana? Is this a boot that I have then? Worthless?
  16. Never heard of the website popsike.com before - just spent an hour looking at it... fascinating!!
  17. Taken your advice... on sale for £75... any offers?
  18. Superb story, thank you for sharing your recollections with us... it made me feel quite humble about what you and others went through to create great music and to get it published so others could listen too...
  19. Pat Brady's auction has just finished and I'm gobsmacked... According to his site... Eddie Foster achieved £460 Connie Clark achieved £625 A big thanks to you guys who helped me with info etc. in this thread... Much appreciated!
  20. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Northern-Soul-Ann-Se...86.c0.m14.l1318 Brilliant track...
  21. Is it the original ringo starr recording 1982?
  22. Graham says he'd appreciate a listen...

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