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Everything posted by WendyTinley

  1. Decided not to renew the domain name soulsville.co.uk, had it for years and not done a thing with it... just had a seven day notice before it is unregistered. Does anyone want it? The only cost will be the transfer cost of £12.00 or you can wait the seven days and then get it through a domain name bucket shop. Thanks, Wendy
  2. The Chesterfield crowd loved Searling's spot... awesome... we would have been there that night!
  3. So who went and did you enjoy it... Graham and I thought the O'Jays were absolutely brilliant!! Eddie has still got it!
  4. Can we have a role call for Friday and if anyone wants to meet up for a pre-concert drink then shout out! Me and the ex are going and it would be great to meet up with other folk. :-)
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00zc0ck About 7 mins in
  6. Yes... I was there that night too... it was amazing hearing that record and, if memory serves me correctly, it wasn't too long before it was played again that night. It was one of those special moments that I'll remember as long as my brain lets me. Once again, thanks for all your music Mr Wilson.
  7. Very sad... RIP Mr Wilson and thank you so very much for the music.
  8. Jackie Wilson - Because Of You
  9. What street was Bonds Main soul venue on? Still struggling to remember it and if I can see it on Google map it might trigger ye olde brain cell
  10. https://www.facebook.com/eddie.bobka
  11. At Inky Social I knew Mark Fletcher and all his crowd - went to Wigan with them lot - got a great story about Eddie Bobka and number plate for Richard Searling. Was waiting at Matlock at Vince Lavelles house for us all to go in a convoy... they were late due to them flashing a number plate to an unmarked police car - ooops... hilarious - knicker wetting funny - when the turned up and told us what happened!
  12. Last time I saw our Ruth was in 2008 at my Mum's funeral - she wrote and read a lovely poem dedicated to her Aunty Pam. Oh god yes - Tupton Village Hall on a Sunday - loved it!
  13. Hmmmmm... I'm convinced I went there - where exactly was it? Was it going about 1975/6? Where the hell am I thinking of then? Was there a pub at North Wingfield on the roundabout of Tibshelf Road/Chesterfield Road/Heath Road - sure we went to a soul night upstairs there... or is that another brain cell that has since died?
  14. I think you are right, Bonds Main on a Tuesday - upstairs and I can remember everyone stomping to 'Purple Haze' and someone rushed up to tell us to stop cos the whole building was shaking lol - Gotta be 1975/6 I can also remember North Wingfield on a Thurs... again 75/76 I didn't get to Inky Dinky Wang Dang Doo Social until 1979 There was also Prince of Wales - at Brim on a Friday - that defoo was 79
  15. I would so love to hear Nev again John...
  16. Terry Dean... if it is the same Terry... married my cousin Ruth Marson, who lived at Calver Crescent, Staveley. Small world innit!
  17. Inky Social Club was definitely still going in 79/80 as I definitely went then. I remember Roger Banks as he was going out with a friend called Pauline at the time. Can't remember Nev djing there but definitely remember him at KGB Sheffield - have photo evidence somewhere - still miss the man. Remember Arthur Dudley there but he was too high (in a social sense) to be bothered to talk with us small fry. Was Terry a small, wiry man with red short hair?
  18. Agreed Paul... David Gest I could just about handle - after all, we got to see the fantastic singers but I could not forgive the use of the 'little people'... it was cringeworthy and I nearly left...
  19. Hi Barry xx Graham and I shed a tear when we heard the news... he definitely was one of THE voices of the early 70s, as you wrote, a truly unique voice. Were you in the chat with Mr Johnson on Filetopia all those years ago? I wasn't on FT then sadly so missed it. Love to you and Eva...
  20. Cos of your wise and sage advice...
  21. Here you go Obi-wan... that is my name for you WENDY___STEVE_WHITE.mp3
  22. It's currently at 65.50! (amazed)
  23. Did you hear my dedication and thanks to Pete Smith and Soul Source on Wednesday then?

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