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Everything posted by Ez

  1. difficult to find tracks to track down after you have all the affordable ones how bout this
  2. Kisha is the artist/singer. This particular song poem label highlights the lyric writer.
  3. found this on vacation down south US recently. The Show Stoppers – Gotta Get Closer To You My Love / Heartbreaker Showtime Records – ST-102 Frankford/Wayne stamped test pressing. apparently Manship auctioned an identical copy and there is a labeled copy with a Partytime label.
  4. found an undocumented deep soul/funk 45 on United https://www.discogs.com/Sonny-Robinson-Rain-Please-Go-Away-Give-Me-Your-Love-Baby/release/15713590
  5. I live in philly, in my opinion he's probably not singing about philly. The society hill neighborhood has been around since we were a british colony but no steel mills or hills there. Alleghany river is in Pittsburgh which does/did have many steel mills. hope that helps
  6. one more, you have to click the little arrow to get to the sound. anyone else think these two would make a great double sider?
  7. damn it's good, I believe you can buy it on itunes and support the artist
  8. is this original styrene copy 65c-9290-21 (mr) Δ58721, m&7 sideways, then at, delta number appears to be 1965. i've gotten mixed input, thanks
  9. It'd nice if Jack White used his clout(and money) to do some nice 45 reissues and issues of unreleased stuff from the Motown vaults
  10. Is this a boot? styrene copy like the one above 65c-9290-21 (mr) Δ58721, m&7 sideways, then at. found for cheap in the US, just hoping there is an original styrene copy. probably not but then how did they get a 1965 delta number?
  11. I have nothing constructive to add but I am amazed such a common 45(in the US) was bootlegged. I just saw another copy in the $1 bin yesterday that I left behind. Been meaning to check my copies(pink and grey) to see which I have. I've left many other copies behind in $1 bins but have placed it in front in hopes that someone would pick it up.
  12. Ez


  13. https://www.discogs.com/Frank-Wilson-Do-I-Love-You/release/11320212 added to my wantlist, you never know right lol
  14. is this as rare and valuable as manship guide says? thanks
  15. https://www.ebay.com/sch/ezvinylrecords/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1
  16. Apologies I know this topic has been done ad nauseum, but would this be a west coast vinyl monarch promo original? Did they have a delta or did they just have the circled MR? thanks https://www.ebay.com/itm/222470843591?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  17. hi, any chance there will ever be a digital version for sale? thx
  18. recently found a Barbara Mason Come to me/Sad sad girl Arctic test press anyone care to guess at a value?
  19. https://www.ebay.com/sch/ezvinylrecords/m.html?item=191856132641&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 thanks
  20. hello, longtime lurker first time poster. I just found a copy with the above matrix but with a star, anyone ever seen one like this? great record btw. thanks

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