found this on vacation down south US recently. The Show Stoppers – Gotta Get Closer To You My Love / Heartbreaker Showtime Records – ST-102 Frankford/Wayne stamped test pressing. apparently Manship auctioned an identical copy and there is a labeled copy with a Partytime label.
I live in philly, in my opinion he's probably not singing about philly. The society hill neighborhood has been around since we were a british colony but no steel mills or hills there. Alleghany river is in Pittsburgh which does/did have many steel mills. hope that helps
Is this a boot? styrene copy like the one above 65c-9290-21 (mr) Δ58721, m&7 sideways, then at. found for cheap in the US, just hoping there is an original styrene copy. probably not but then how did they get a 1965 delta number?
I have nothing constructive to add but I am amazed such a common 45(in the US) was bootlegged. I just saw another copy in the $1 bin yesterday that I left behind. Been meaning to check my copies(pink and grey) to see which I have. I've left many other copies behind in $1 bins but have placed it in front in hopes that someone would pick it up.
Apologies I know this topic has been done ad nauseum, but would this be a west coast vinyl monarch promo original? Did they have a delta or did they just have the circled MR? thanks
hello, longtime lurker first time poster. I just found a copy with the above matrix but with a star, anyone ever seen one like this? great record btw. thanks