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Everything posted by Ratt

  1. Going back to nighters of the 70's, I have a memory, maybe it's a figment of my imagination, but I can recall a VOCAL version of Al Kent himself, singing 'You Got To Pay The Price'. I would dearly love to hear it again if it exists, but trolling through YouTube in the hope of finding it, well nothing, not even a mention of his own vocal version anywhere. So could you guys put my mind at rest one way or the other and let me know if it is just a dream. Maybe some kind hearted soul (no pun intended) could even upload it to You tube. I know it's not the best of his tracks, but it just bugs me to have a memory I'm not sure isn't fiction.
  2. I have to say that I was one of the disillusioned soulies in the late 70's/early 80's, disillusioned with the music policy and the way that people started to filter away from the scene because of it. I look back on that time and find it impossible to fathom why anyone would want to radically change something that the dance floor proved was banging popular. But I stuck with the music at home (wasn't hard, it's a part of me) and have even been to a few nighters in recent years after a long layoff. Although my youth has long gone, it has been great to see the young of today as deliriously happy as we were then. It will never be different I think?

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