It doesn't matter what the viewers watching thought of the scene or the music played. The programme was all about a teenage lad who loves the 1960's/70s era and has a big taste for Northern Soul and dressing up smart getting out and enjoying himself, and making lots of new friends. With no new young blood like Anthony coming into the Soul scene it will gradually die away and it won't matter then what music happens to be played at any promotion in the future.
I thought of this thread over the weekend, I heard Gary Haines - Keep On Going played by someone broadcasting live on facebook, god knows the last time I heard this tune.
Thought of another three cracker's to kick start a set..
Newby and Johnson - Sweet Happiness
Tommy Neal - Going To A Happening
The Charades - The Key To My Happiness
Last three I played at the last Northern Soul Night I did early March, this was very well attended as I think People knew then this was going to be their last opportunity to hear their music played out and see friends etc etc...
Tony Middleton - Paris Blues
Timi Yuro - It'll Never Be Over For Me
Jimmy Radcliffe - Long After Tonight Is All Over
R.I.P. Eugene, Thank you for your massive contribution to the Northern Soul Scene with your Vocals on You Don't Love Me a song that I loved from the moment I first heard it, and in recent times, Thanks for the chats we had with the pm's on facebook.
Loved John's write up on Lynne Randell's - Stranger In My Arms Northern Soul Classic...
May we add to think Lynne Randell is even Australian.
In reality this is the Greatest Northern Soul 45 ever recorded by a "Scouser"